Faculty Name : Dr. Namitha S. N.
Department : Physics
Dr. Namitha S. N.
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Physics
Education Details :
- Ph.D. from the University of Mysore, Mysuru, 2024.
- Master of Science in Physics from JSS College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Ooty Road, Mysuru, 2015.
- Bachelor of Science from Field Marshal K. M. Cariappa College (Mangalore University), Madikeri, 2013.
Personal Details :
- Date of birth : 21/05/1992
- Hobbies : Dance, Music, Gardening
- Languages Known :Kannada, English, Hindi and Telugu
Research Details :
- Studies on the distribution of Uranium, Radium, Radon and Polonium in ground water and soil of Kodagu district, India
Profession Experience :
- Worked as Guest Faculty in the Department of Studies in Physics, University of Mysore, Mysuru from 16-03-2022 to 21-04-2023.
- Worked as Assistant Professor in the PG Department of Physics, St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous), Mysuru from 02-01-2017 to 28-02-2022.
- Worked as Guest Faculty in the Department of Physics, Government First Grade College, Kuvempunagara, Mysuru from 25-08-2015 to 7-01-2017.
Journal Publications:
- S. N. Namitha, B. S. K. Lavanya, Mohamed Hidayath, M. S. Sumanth, K. S. Pruthvi Rani, and M. S. Chandrashekara. (2024). Assessment of radiation dose due to 238U, 226Ra, 222Rn and 210Po in groundwater of Kodagu district, Karnataka, India. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 200(11-12), 1027-1033.
- B. S. K. Lavanya, S. N. Namitha, Mohamed Hidayath, and M. S. Chandrashekara. (2024). Assessment of radiation dose due to 210Po in water and food samples of Chamarajanagar district, Karnataka, India. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 200(11-12), 1052-1058.
- B. S. K. Lavanya, S. N. Namitha, Smithri Manilal, Malay Ghosh, and M. S. Chandrashekara. (2024). Radiation dose due to uranium in groundwater to the population of Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, India. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 200(11-12), 1101-1107.
- B. S. K. Lavanya, S. N. Namitha, Mohamed Hidayath, K. S. Pruthvi Rani, J. M. Saveena, and M. S. Chandrashekara. (2024). Study of radiation dose due to 226Ra, 222Rn, and 210Po in drinking water of Chamarajanagar district, Karnataka, India. Environmental Earth Sciences, 83(2), 85.
- Mohamed Hidayath, B. S. K. Lavanya, S. N. Namitha, M. S. Chandrashekara, and S. A. Pandit. (2024). Mapping of uranium concentrations in groundwater samples of Davanagere district, Karnataka, India, and assessment of effective dose to the population. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 200(11-12), 994-1002.
- S. N. Namitha, B. S. K. Lavanya, Mohamed Hidayath, and M. S. Chandrashekara. (2023). Estimation of radiation dose due to U and 222Rn in groundwater to the population of Kodagu district, Karnataka, India. Radiation Protection and Environment, 46(4), 132-137.
- S. N. Namitha, B. S. K. Lavanya, K. S. Pruthvi Rani, N. Ragini, and M. S. Chandrashekara. (2023). Number and size distribution of aerosols, and diurnal variation of radon progeny concentration during festival fireworks in Madikeri Town, Karnataka, India. Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings, 341, 110-116.
- B. S. K. Lavanya, S. N. Namitha, Mohamed Hidayath, B. S. Prathibha, and M. S. Chandrashekara. (2023). Mapping of uranium in groundwater of Mysuru district, Karnataka, India and radiation dose to the population. Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings, 341, 22-27.
- S. N. Namitha, B. S. K. Lavanya, Mohamed Hidayath, K. S. Pruthvi Rani, N. Karunakara, and M. S. Chandrashekara (2023). Distribution of U and 210Po in groundwater of Kodagu district, Karnataka, India. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 199(20), 2548-2553.
- Abin Shaju, K. K. Akshaya, and S. N. Namitha. (2023). Estimation of Soil Porosity in Parts of Karnataka and Kerala by Gamma-Ray Attenuation Method. Graduate Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Reports and Reviews, 1(1), 11–18.
- Mohamed Hidayath, M. S.Chandrashekara, K. S. Pruthvi Rani, and S. N. Namitha. (2022). Studies on the concentration of 226Ra and 222Rn in drinking water samples and effective dose to the population of Davanagere district, Karnataka state, India. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 331(4), 1923-1931.
Paper Presented:
- S. N. Namitha, B. S. K. Lavanya, K. S. Pruthvi Rani, N. Ragini, and M. S. Chandrashekara. Studies on temporal variation of aerosol size and number distribution (<0.1μm) in Madikeri Town, Karnataka State, India. 23rd National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-23), University of Mysore, Mysuru and Indian Society of Radiation Physics. January 19 – 21, 2023.
- S. N. Namitha, B. S. K. Lavanya, and M. S. Chandrashekara. Assessment of radiation dose due to the distribution of U, 226Ra, 222Rn and 210Po in groundwater of Kodagu District, Karnataka State, India. 23rd National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-23), University of Mysore, Mysuru and Indian Society of Radiation Physics January 19 – 21, 2023.
- S. N. Namitha, B. S. K. Lavanya, and M. S. Chandrashekara. Radiation dose due to Uranium in groundwater to the population of Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, India. 23rd National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-23), University of Mysore, Mysuru and Indian Society of Radiation Physics. January 19 – 21, 2023.
- B. S. K. Lavanya, S. N. Namitha, W. A. Banan, K. S. Pruthvi Rani, and M. S. Chandrashekara. Study of radon exhalation rate from environmental matrices using alpha counting system. 23rd National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-23), University of Mysore, Mysuru and Indian Society of Radiation Physics. January 19 – 21, 2023.
- B. S. K. Lavanya, S. N. Namitha, Prajwal, Shivakumar, and M. S. Chandrashekara. Assessment of radiation dose due to 210Po in water and food samples of Chamrajnagar district, Karnataka, India. 23rd National Symposium on Radiation Physics, University of Mysore, Mysuru and Indian Society of Radiation Physics. January 19 – 21, 2023.
- S. N. Namitha, B. S. K. Lavanya, Mohamed Hidayath, and M. S. Chandrashekara. Estimation of effective radiation dose due to 222Rn in groundwater to the population of Kodagu District, Karnataka State, India. 16th Biennial DAE-BRNS Symposium On Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NUCAR-2023), DAE Convention Centre Anushaktinagar, Mumbai - 400094, India. May 01-05, 2023.
- B. S. K. Lavanya, S. N. Namitha, Mohamed Hidayath, K. S. Pruthvi Rani, and M. S. Chandrashekara.Study of radiation dose due to 226Ra, 222Rn and 210Po in drinking water of Chamarajanagar district, Karnataka, India. 16th Biennial DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NUCAR-2023), DAE Convention Centre Anushaktinagar, Mumbai - 400094, India. May 01-05, 2023.
- S. N. Namitha, B. S. K. Lavanya, Mohamed Hidayath, Tasneem Mahyoub and M. S. Chandrashekara. Radiological risk assessment to the population of Kodagu district, Karnataka, India due to uranium in groundwater. Recent Trends on Applications of Radio Isotopes & Radiation Technologies, ARIRT-2023, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, September 28 – 29, 2023.
- B. S. K. Lavanya, S. N. Namitha, K. S. Pruthvi Rani., J. M. Saveena, and M. S. Chandrashekara. Studies on distribution of U and 222Rn in drinking water samples and radiation dose to the population of Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, India. Recent Trends on Applications of Radio Isotopes & Radiation Technologies, ARIRT-2023, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, September 28 – 29, 2023.
- B. S. K. Lavanya, Mohamed Hidayath, S. N. Namitha, M. S. Chandrashekhara, K. S. Pruthvi Rani, and K. M. Nagaraju. Studies on radon concentration in bore well water samples of Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka State, India. 15th Biennial DAE BRNS Symposium Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NUCAR-2021). Feb 22-26, 2022.
- S. N. Namitha, B. S. K. Lavanya, Mohamed Hidayath, K.S.Pruthvi Rani, N. Karunakara, and M. S. Chandrashekara. Studies on the distribution of U and 210Po in groundwater of Kodagu district, Karnataka State, India and effective radiation dose to the public. International Conference on Advanced Materials in Environment, Energy and Health Applications (AMEEHA) Bangkok, Thailand. August 3 – 5, 2022.
- B. S. K. Lavanya, S. N. Namitha, Mohamed Hidayath, M. Naveena, K. S. Pruthvi Rani, and M. S. Chandrashekara. Assessment of radiation dose due to 226Ra, 222Rn and 210Po in drinking water of Chamarajanagar district, Karnataka state, India. International Conference on Advanced Materials in Environment, Energy and Health Applications (AMEEHA) Bangkok, Thailand. August 3 – 5, 2022.
- S. N. Namitha, B. S. K. Lavanya, Mohamed Hidayath, K. S. Pruthvi Rani, N. Karunakara, and M. S. Chandrashekara. Distribution of Uranium and 210Po in groundwater of Kodagu District, Karnataka State, India. 2nd National Conference on Radiation Physics (NCRP 2022), Bangalore University, Bengaluru. December 15 – 16, 2022.
- Mohamed Hidayath, M. S. Chandrashekara, and S. N. Namitha. Mapping of radon concentration in drinking water Davanagere district, Karnataka state, India. Third National Conference on Radiation Awareness and Detection in Natural Environment (RADNET-III), Department of Physics, Govt. P.G College, New Tehri, Tehri Garhwal and Department Physics, H.N.B Garhwal University, Badshahi Thaul Campus, Tehri, Garhwal in Collaboration with National Radon Network Society. March 18-20,2021.
Academic activities:
- Member of Board of Examinations at St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous), Mysuru from 2019 – 2021 and 2021 – 2022.
- Member of Board of Studies at St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous), Mysuru from 2019 – 2021 and 2021 – 2022.
- Member of Board of Studies at JSS College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Ooty -Road, Mysuru from 2020 – 2023.
- Done evaluation work of PG Physics at St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous), Mysuru
- Student mentoring
- Volunteered in organizing the 23rd National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-23) held at University of Mysore, Mysuru.
Workshop Attended:
- Participated and presented paper in Recent Trends on Applications of Radio Isotopes & Radiation Technologies, ARIRT-2023, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, September 28 – 29, 2023.
- Participated and presented in the 16th Biennial DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NUCAR-2023), Anushaktinagar, Mumbai - 400094, India. May 01-05, 2023.
- Participated and presented paper in the 23rd National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-23), held in the University of Mysore, Mysuru during 19 – 21, January, 2023.
- Participated and presented paper in the 2nd National Conference on Radiation Physics (NCRP 2022), at Bangalore University, Bengaluru held during 15 – 16 December, 2022.
- Participated and presented paper in the International Conference on Advanced Materials in Environment, Energy and Health Applications (AMEEHA) at Bangkok, Thailand held during 3 – 5 August, 2022.
- Participated and presented paper in the third online National Conference on Radiation Awareness and Detection in Natural Environment (RADNET-III) organized by Government PG College New Tehri and HNB Garhwal University, Tehri Garhwal during 18-20 March, 2021.
- Participated in the five day International online Lecture Workshop on “Supernova and Neutrinos” organized by the Department of Physics, St. Philomena’s College, Mysuru during 21-25 February, 2021.
- Participated and presented paper in International Conference on “Recent Trends in Physics with Emphasis on Discovery of God Particle” at Sri Adichunchanagiri College of Arts, Commerce and Science (SAC), Nagamangala, Mandya district on 02 February, 2021.
- Participated in the six day online lecture workshop on “Energy bands in solids and electrical transport properties in metals and semiconductors” organized by the Department of Physics, St. Philomena’s College, Mysuru during 23-28 November, 2020.
- Participated virtually in the International Quantum 2020 conference organized by the IOP Publishing, UK and University of Science and Technology, China during 19-22 October, 2020.
- Participated in the two-day National level Webinar entitled “Recent trends in Advanced Physics” organized by the PG Department of Physics, JSS College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Mysuru during 29-30 July, 2020.
- Participated in the webinar on “Characterization Techniques for Nanomaterials” organized by Department of Physics, The National Institute of Technology, Mysuru on 26 June,2020.
- Participated in National Webinar on “Opportunities and Challenges in Outcome Based Education” organized on 8 June, 2020 by K.L.E Society’s Raja Lakhamagouda Science Institute (Autonomous), Belagavi-590001.
- Participated in a National Webinar conducted by Department of Education, NMKRV College for Women, Bangalore "Relevance of Technological Interventions for an Effective Classroom Teaching" on May 30, 2020
- Participated in the weekly Webinar Series, “Water Challenges During and Post Covid-19,” Conducted From 7—28 May, 2020 by International Centre for Clean Water (ICCW), IITM Research Park.
- Participated in National Level Online FDP on “New Performance Appraisal System and Career Advancement Scheme” organized by Seshadripuram Degree College, Mysuru on 22 May, 2020.
- Participated in two day Faculty Development Program on “Teaching and Learning” during 2-3 July, 2019 at SDMIMD, Mysuru.
- Participated in three day lecture workshop on “Quantum Statistics – Theory and Experiment” from 15-17 February, 2019 at St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous), Mysuru
- Participated in one day lecture workshop on “Some Special Topics in Physics” on 20 November, 2018 at St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous), Mysuru.
- Participated in three day lecture workshop on “Quantum Information and Computation” from 18-20 August, 2018 at St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous), Mysuru.
- Attended 29 th Mid-Year Meeting of the Indian Academy of Sciences from 28-30 June, 2018 at Infosys Campus, Mysuru.
- Participated in three day Lecture workshop on “Frontiers in Astronomy” from 17-19 February, 2018 at St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous), Mysuru.
- Attended Interdisciplinary International Conference on “Knowledge Partnerships to Advance UN Sustainable Development Goals” from 17-18 November, 2017 at St. Philomena’s College, Mysuru.
- Participated in 15 days Refresher Course on “Quantum Mechanics with an special emphasis on Nuclear and Particle Physics” from 17-31 December, 2017 at St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous), Mysuru
- Participated in 16 days Refresher Course on “Experimental Physics” from 10-25 May, 2017 at Goa University, Goa.
- Participated in Lecture workshop on “Statistical Physics” by Science Academies’ from 25 - 27 November, 2016 at JSS College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Ooty Road, Mysuru-25
- Participated in one-day workshop on X-ray Crystallography from 10 November, 2014 at University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysuru.
- Participated in National seminar on “Materials Science and Engineering” organized by Department of Physics and electronics from 21 – 22 March, 2014 at JSS College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Ooty Road, Mysuru-25
- Participated in KSTA (Karnataka Science and Technology Academy) Regional conference on “Science and Technology for Education and Health care” from 21 - 22 February, 2014 at JSS College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Ooty Road, Mysuru-25.
Awards Received:
- Awarded the ISRP-Nucleonic award for best poster presentation during the 23rd National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-23) held during 19 – 21 January, 2023 at the University of Mysore, Mysuru.
- Awarded the Prof. B. M. Shukla Memorial award for best poster presentation during the 16th Biennial DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NUCAR-2023), DAE Convention Centre Anushaktinagar, Mumbai - 400094, India. May 01 – 05, 2023.
- Sir C. V. Raman scholarship during Bachelors of Science from 2010 – 2013.
Books Published
- Member of production team of the book titled “Prof. P. Venkataramaiah: An Eminent Physicist, Visionary Educationalist, Inspiring Teacher, Consummate Leader and Fine Gentleman”
Professional Membership :
- MISTE since 2014 with the membership ID of 96922
Contact Details :
Department of Physics,
GSSS Institute Of Engineering & Technology For Women
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
My Visions :
My purpose is to make a meaningful impact by serving others through my skills and values. I am dedicated to ongoing learning to enhance my effectiveness. I aim to cultivate strong professional relationships by actively networking with colleagues, fostering collaboration, and sharing insights to tackle challenges together.