Faculty Name : Dr. Anupama
Department : Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Associate Professor
Dept. of MBA
Google scholar I'd: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=4zMIN4UAAAAJ
Orcid ID : 0009-0009-0514-1877
Vidwan ID: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/586256
Education Details :
- Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Management from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, awarded on 17.10.2018.
- Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Bangalore University- 2001
- Master of Commerce (M. Com) from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-2012
- Bachelor of Business Administration from Kuvempu University, Shimoga-1999
Personal Details :
- Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Management from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, awarded on 17.10.2018.
- Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Bangalore University- 2001
- Master of Commerce (M. Com) from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-2012
- Bachelor of Business Administration from Kuvempu University, Shimoga-1999
Profession Experience :
- Presently working as Associate Professor in Dept of MBA at GSSSIETW,Mysuru since Dec’2024
- Principal at VVN PU College, Basavanagudi, Bangalore, May 2022 till July 2024.
- Assistant Professor and TPO, SSMRV College, Jayanagar, Bangalore from Oct 2020 to Jan 2022.
- Professor and Head of the Department, MBA at G.T. Institute of Management Studies and Research, Bangalore from Sept 2010 to Jan 2020.
- Has worked with major corporates as a Freelance Consultant in the areas of IT and Financial services. In the capacity of recruiter, on boarding trainer and financial analyst in Bangalore during 2001 to 2009.
Administrative Activities:
- Department level NBA/IQAC coordinator since Dec 2024
- Department level ED cell Coordinator since Dec 2024
- Department level NAAC 4th criterion coordinator since Dec 2024
Previous Experience:
- As Principal, was working with Trustees, Management and Governing Council and achieving the vision, mission and objectives set by them.
- Oversee day-to-day college operations and liasoning with PU Board
- Manage college logistics and budgets
- Set learning goals for students and teachers based on PU Board curricula
- As the HoD of MBA department, was in charge of Bangalore University MBA Programme at the college.
- Liasoning with University departments for smooth conduct and execution of all MBA dept. activities on a timely manner.
Awards Received:
- Awarded the “Best Principal, 2022” by National Press Council of India and The Newspapers Association of Karnataka during Teachers Day celebrations during Sept 2022 by Justice Santhosh Hegde.
- Awarded for contribution to the successful conduct of two-day International Conference on “Global convergence of Management Education and Practices” Organised by Canara Bank School of Management Studies, Bangalore University, Bengaluru in association with PRME on 25th and 26th November 2015 by Prof. Seethamma, then Registrar of Bangalore University.
- Recognized and awarded for the contributions and efforts rendered to the growth of institution in the last one decade by the Management during Founders Day Celebrations 2018.
- Research Paper Published in Himalaya Publishing House, ISBN: 978-93-5840-723-5 titled “An Empirical study on challenges faced by Entrepreneurs”, 2024.
- Research Paper Published in Sambodhi ISSN: 2249-6661 (UGC Care Journal) Vol-44 No.-01(V): April 2021 titled “Startup Management a tool for Leveraging on the Entrepreneurial Development in the New Eco System – An Indian Perspective”
- Prestige Institute of Management and Research contributed in absentia a paper entitled Start-up Management on the Entrepreneurial Development – An Indian Perspective in PIMR Fifteenth International Conference held on January 30-31, 2021.
- Research Paper Published in International Conference on “Contemporary Innovative Practices in Management titled “Talent management and Retention Strategies in Software Industry- An empirical study, Faculty of Management Studies, Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research University, Udaipur on 13th and 14th April 2012
- Paper published in International Journal of Human Resource & Industrial Research (IJHRIR) ISSN: 2349 –3593 (Online), ISSN: 2349 –4816, Aug-2014, pp 38-45 titled “A Study on Talent Management Strategies to Retain the Employees in the Organisation with Reference to Insurance Sector”
- Paper published in INDO GLOBAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE ISSN NO: 2320- 7892, VOL – 4, ISSUE – 2, MAY 2016 titled “Talent management and its impact on employees with a special reference to Bangalore City”.
Patents/Text books Conference:
IPR - Patent Design registered on "Office Behavioural Monitoring Device" with Design no.408051-001 approved by The Patent Office, Government of India on 5.4.2024.
Text books:
Authored four text books in Commerce and Management subjects for Undergraduate students of Bangalore University, Bengaluru City University. Published by Himalaya Publication House with ISBN.
- Organizational Change and Development for 6th Semester B. Com, Bengaluru City University, ISBN:978-93-5596-409-0
- Organizational Development and Change Management for 6th Semester BBA, Bengaluru City University, ISBN:978-93-5596-403-8
- Human Resources Development for 5th Semester B. Com, Bangalore University, ISBN:978- 93-5840-264-3
- Human Resources Development for 6th Semester B. Com, Bangalore City University, ISBN:978- 93-5840-813-3
- Labour Welfare and Social Security for 6th Semester B. Com, Bangalore University, ISBN-978-93-5693-663-8
- Contributed for Book Chapter Business Environment – Reference book for MBA written by Dr.Aswatappa
- Organized Mega Job Fair -2021 on 19th Sept 2021 in association with Paryapti-Training and Placement Centre, SSMRV College, Bengaluru.
- Conducted an informative webinar in skill enhancement on the topic Career and Future in Financial Planning and Wealth Management in association with International Institute of Research and Wealth Management on 16th and 17th June 2021 organized by Paryapti-Training and Placement Centre, SSMRV College, Bengaluru.
- Conducted “Ambitious-2021, Future Ready” a webinar on 6th and 7th May 2021 organized by Paryapti-Training and Placement Centre, SSMRV College, Bengaluru.
- Conducted FDP on “Role of teachers in placement and career guidance” on 8th May 2021 organised by Paryapti-Training and Placement Centre, SSMRV College, Bengaluru.
- Participated in the National Level Workshop on “Application of Advanced Statistical Tools in Research” held on 21.12.2019, organized by Department of Studies and Research in Business Administration in association with Management Research Forum, Tumkur University, Tumkur
- Presented a paper titled “A study on HR Analytics and its adoption in the Organisation – An Indian Perspective, during the one-day International Conference on “Business Education and Management Skills in the Era of AI and IoT” held on 6.9.2019 at Bangalore Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
- Participated in the National Level Workshop on “Application of Statistical Tools in Research” held on 15.6.2019, organized by Department of Studies and Research in Business Administration in association with Management Research Forum, Tumkur University, Tumkur
- Participated in the National Conference – CMR Management Education Conference (CMR-MEC) 2019, “MBA Journey – Emerging Opportunities and Challenges” organized by CMR University, OMBR Campus, Bengaluru on 7th and 8th June 2019
- Participated in One Day State Level Workshop on “Bhasha Sangama”, organized by Department of Languages (Kannada/English/Hindi/Sanskrit), at G.T Institute of Management Studies and Research, Bangalore on 5.4.2019
- Participated in the National Level Workshop on “Research Methodology and Application of Statistical Tools” held on 2.2.2019, organized by Department of Studies and Research in Business Administration in association with Management Research Forum, Tumkur University, Tumkur
- Presented a paper titled “Policy Initiatives of the Government for supporting Women Empowerment” during the National Conference on “Shaping the Future: Digitize India! Startup India! held on 20th and 21st April 2017 at Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bangalore
- Organised One Day National Level Conference on “Foreign Direct Investments (FDI): Trends, Opportunities and Challenges, organized by G.T Institute of Management Studies and Research, Bangalore on 15.3.2017
- Participated in a One Day Students seminar on “William Shakespeare’s Literary Works”, organized by Department of English, G.T Institute of Management Studies and Research, Bangalore on 10.3.2017
- Participated in a One Day Teacher’s Conference, organized by Department of Hindi, G.T Institute of Management Studies and Research, Bangalore on 10.3.2017
- Participated in a One Day Workshop on Goods and Services Tax, organized by G.T Institute of Management Studies and Research, Bangalore in association with Tally Education Pvt. Ltd. And NICT Computer Education Pvt. Ltd. on 28.2.2017
- Presented a paper titled “A study on challenges faced by women in executing key responsibilities in today’s Corporate World” during one day National Conference on Women in Academic Institutions – Opportunities, Challenges and Constraints, organized by Women Empowerment Cell, Sindhi College of Commerce on 9.2.2017
- Participated in 39th All India Accounting Conference and International Seminar on Accounting Education and Research held on 16th and 17th December 2016 at Department of Commerce, Bangalore University, Bengaluru
- Participated in a State Level Conference on “Job Opportunities in Central and State Government Services for GM/SC/ST/OBC/Minorities and other candidates”, organized by G.T Institute of Management Studies and Research, Bangalore in association with Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Govt. of India (Bangalore Region) on 8.4.2015 to 9.4.2015
- Attended Project work Orientation – 2015 held at Canara Bank School of Management Studies, Bangalore on 8.6.2015
- Attended ‘Workshop on Gender Sensitization’, conducted by the Sexual Harassment Prevention and Gender Sensitization Cell” on 24.6.2016 at Bangalore University Jnana Bharathi Campus on 24.6.2016
- Attended ‘Gender Sensitization Workshop conducted by Gender Sensitization Cell” on 2.4.2016 at Bangalore University Jnana Bharathi Campus
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on Research guidance skills for MBA projects/dissertation 2016 held at Canara Bank School of Management Studies, Bangalore on 14.3.2016
- Presented a paper titled “Talent Management and its impact on employees with a special reference to Bangalore City on 19.2.2016 at Sri Ganesh School of Business Management, Salem during International Conference on Competency Building Strategies in Business and Technology for Sustainable Development
- Participated in National Conference on “Make in India Eco-System towards – Indian Ethos, Sustainability & Inclusive Growth”, Dayananda Sagar University, Bangalore on 30.1.2016
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Kaushal Vikas 2016 - A FDP on Creative Teaching Techniques” held at East West College of Management, Bangalore on 29.1.2016
- Presented a paper titled “A Study on Adopting Creativity and Innovation in Global Management Education System – Issues and Challenges” during International Level Conference on “Global Convergence of Management Education Practices” organized by Canara Bank School of Management Studies, Bangalore at Jnana Jyothi Auditorium, Central College, Bangalore on 25th and 26th Nov 2015
- Participated in Students Conclave 2015 on “Crafting your future: successful transition into career”, organized by Canara Bank School of Management Studies, Bangalore held at Jnana Jyothi Auditorium, Central College, Bangalore on 7.5.2015
- Attended Faculty Orientation Programme on “Human Capital Management” organized by Canara Bank School of Management Studies, Bangalore and G.T. Institute of Management Studies and Research, Bangalore on 24.2.2015
- Participated in International Level Conference on “Futuristic Innovations and Challenges to Diversity Management, Emerging Technologies and Sustainability for Inclusive Industrial Growth” Jyoti Nivas College, Bangalore on 30th and 31st October 2014
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Commodity Market & Futures Trading”, organized by Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Bangalore (An Autonomous Organisation promoted by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry – Govt. of India) on 16th and 17th October 2014
- Participated in one day State Level Conference on “Hindi Diwas”, organized by Vijaya Bank and G.T. Institute of Management Studies and Research, Bangalore on 23.9.14
- Attended “Orientation Workshop for Faculty Members of Bangalore University affiliated Business Schools” organized by M.P. Birla Institute of Management Associate Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Bangalore and Bangalore University on 27.8.2014
- Organised State Level Conference on “Job Opportunities in Central and state Government Services for GM/OBC/Minorities and other candidates”, organized by G.T Institute of Management Studies and Research, Bangalore in association with Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Govt. of India (Bangalore Region) on 10.4.2014
- Presented a paper titled “Workforce Flexibility - An Innovative Way of Retaining the Talent in the Organisation with reference to Software Industry” at Seshadripuram First Grade College, Yelahanka New Town, Bangalore, International Conference on 19.3.2014
- Participated in the one-day National Level UGC Sponsored Quality Improvement Programme (QIP-2) on Research and Development: Creating Value through SPSS”, organized by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Post Graduate Centre on 1.3.2014
- Participated in The Karnataka Welfare Association for the Blind, on the occasion of celebrating the 46th year of establishment of the Association and 205th birth anniversary of Louis Braille on 30.1.2014, Seshadripuram, Bangalore
- Participated in a State Level Conference on “Job Opportunities in Central and state Government Services, organized by G.T Institute of Management Studies and Research, Bangalore in association with Staff Selection Commission, Govt. of India on 21.1.2013
- Presented a paper titled “Widening access to Higher Education and Its impact on Global Economic Development”, during National Conference on “Indian Higher Education in the 21st Century- 5 decades ahead Challenges and Prospects”, at Kristu Jayanthi College, Bangalore on 29th and 30th November 2012
- Presented a paper titled “Recent trends in HRM – An Emphasis on Talent Management” during National Level Conference on “Recent Trends, Challenges and Innovations in Management”, at Community Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore on 8th November 2012
- Presented a paper entitled “Talent Management – A new innovative strategy in Retaining Employees and Top Talent in an Organisation for Business Excellence” during National Conference on “New paradigms and perspectives for business excellence”, at Department of Studies and Research in Business Administration, Tumkur University, Tumkur on 4th August 2012
- Participated in Three-day National Conference on “Vedic Sciences- Arshadhara” organized by Dharma Jagruthi Trust at Gayana Samaja, Bangalore under the auspices of MSRVVP (MHRD), Ujjain on 6th to 8th July 2012
- Participated in a One-day seminar on “Quality improvement workshop on Research Methodology and Guidance skills for Management teachers”, held on 6.5.2012 at Canara Bank School of Management Studies, Bangalore
- Participated in the one-day State Level Seminar on “Knowledge Economy Paradigm –Panacea for Organization’s high Performance”, at Soundarya Institute of Management and Science, Bangalore on 3.3.2012
- Presented a paper titled “Karnataka as Global tourist destination – Challenges and Opportunities” in Two-day National Seminar on “Karnataka as Global Tourist Destination – Challenges and Opportunities”, at Maharani’s Arts, Commerce and Management College for Women, Bangalore, held on 3rd and 4th February 2012
Academic Activities:
- Member, Board of Examiners at Maharani Lakshmi Ammani College, Autonomous, Bangalore
- Member, Board of Examiners at Presidency College, Autonomous, Bangalore
- Member, Board of Examiners at Mount Carmel College, Autonomous, Bangalore
- University valuator at Bangalore University, MBA and M. Com Programmes
- Paper setter for Bengaluru City University, UG Programme
- Paper setter for Karnataka State Open University, Mysuru, PG Programme
- Paper Reviewer and Moderator for the session -Human Resources management in 2 Days International Conference on Inter Disciplinary Research, Emerging Business Opportunities and challenges in the wake of Covid 19, a virtual conference, an IQAC Initiative Organised by SSMRV college PG dept of Commerce in Association with Tshwane University, Pretoria, Africa, Blue Crest University Monrovia, Liberia and The Institute of Cost Accountants of India on 24th and 25th November 2021
- Resource person for “Mindfulness - Child and Education (Historical and Contemporary Perspective”) 7 days FDP on 17th January 2021 Mindfulness organised by RNS Degree College, Bangalore
- Resource Person for “Art of writing review of Literature” for M. Com Students for the Dissertation projects on 3/7/2021 organised by Sri Lakshmi College of Management and Science, Bangalore
- Resource person for “The Art of Problem Solving” on 25th July 2021 – Manava Tattva Webinar series conducted by Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Bangalore West District.
- Resource Person for the guest lecture on “Trends in Human Resources Management” on 22nd December 2020 between 11.00 AM to 12.30 PM conducted at PG Dept of Commerce, St. Claret College Bangalore
- Gave a talk on Women Empowerment at Govt First Grade College Magadi.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Importance of HR Strategies to the growth of Organisation” at AVK Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Faculty Development Activities/Seminars:
- Conducted FDP on “Role of teachers in placement and career guidance” on 8th May 2021 organised by Paryapti-Training and Placement Centre, SSMRV College, Bengaluru.
- Participated in 39th All India Accounting Conference and International Seminar on Accounting Education and Research held on 16th and 17th December 2016 at Department of Commerce, Bangalore University, Bengaluru
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on Research guidance skills for MBA projects/dissertation 2016 held at Canara Bank School of Management Studies, Bangalore on 14.3.2016
- Attended 2 days FDP on Innovative teaching strategies for digital native’s gen Z on 26th and 27th May 2021 conducted by Dept of Commerce in association with IQAC, SSMRV College, Bengaluru.
- Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Blended Learning and Flipped Classroom" from 2021-1-18 to 2021-1-22 at Vellore Institute of Technology.
- Participated in Faculty Development Program on National Education Policy organised by The National College, Autonomous, Basavanagudi – Bangalore from 12th July to 19th July 2021
- Participated in the One Day Inter-Institutional Faculty Enrichment Programme on the topic “Effective Classroom Management” organised by IQAC, SSMRV College, Bengaluru on 24th Nov 2020.
- Participated in the 5 Days FDP on “Emerging Technologies in Transforming Business Models” organised by Dept. of MBA, SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru from 24th Nov 2020 to 28th Nov 2020.
Focus Areas for the growth of Department and Institution
- Introduce newer and global ways of functioning of MBA department- TED talks, personality tests, games, Simulation and group activities for students.
- Nurture the talent among students to bring out the best in them
- Encouraging and guiding research work among staff and students.
- Introducing concept classes for students to learn and facilitate out of the box thinking.
- Organising invited guest talks from corporates and industry bigwigs.
- Volunteering industry visits and internships outside Mysore.
Professional Membership:
- Member of More Than HR (MTHR) an all India HR Forum
- Member of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, a voluntary social services unit
Contact Details :
Department of MBA
GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone : 0821-4242307
My Vision:
To effectively utilize my skills in a good professional environment, foreseeing the growth of the Institution, fostering my personal growth and thereby contribute towards organizational goal achievement.