Accredited Branches
by NBA, New Delhi
(Validity up to June 2026)
(Validity up to June 2027)
Kum. M.Gayatri Prabhu (4GW11EE022) has secured 1st rank, scoring 90.72% in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at VTU 15th Annual convocation. She has been awarded 9 gold medals instituted by “Shri Sangappa L. Desai of Sonna”,“Late Sri Basavaraj Muddebihal”,“Murty’s Medal of Excellence”,"H. H. Jagadguru Late Dr. Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamigalu of Suttur Mutt", Squandron Leader S. S. Chaitanya Memorial", R N Shetty,"Jain University ", Dr. S. Rame Gowda Memorial" and VTU Gold Medal for having secured 1st Rank, Highest Marks, in B.E. Electrical & Electronics Engineering., highest marks among the Rank Holders in any branch of B.E. & highest marks among the students of the Engineering Colleges affiliated to VTU. The management, Principal and staff of GSSSIETW congratulate her for this outstanding performance.
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