Faculty Name : Mr. B Venkataseshaiah
Department : Mathematics
Mr. B Venkataseshaiah
Associate Professor and Head
Department of Mathematics
Google Scholar ID-F8MHbi0AAAAJ
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0000-3048-7962
Vidwan ID- https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/565243
Education Details :
- Master of Science in Mathematics, University Of Mysore, Mysuru,1991
- Bachelor of Science in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics , Yuvaraja College, Mysuru, 1989
Personal Details :
- DOB : 11 March 1969
- Hobbies : Reading Articles and Novels, Playing Cricket, Listening to Music
- Languages : English, Kannada, Telugu
Research Details :
- Ph.D Final Viva-Voce exam completed. Awaiting for the award of degree.
Experience Details :
- Working as Associate Professor and Head at GSSSIETW, Mysuru from FEB-2019 to till date.
- Working as Associate Professor at GSSSIETW, Mysuru from 2015 to FEB-2019.
- Working as Associate Professor and HOD at GSSSIETW, Mysuru from 2011 to Jan 2015
- Worked as Assistant Professor and HOD at GSSSIETW, Mysuru from 2005 to 2011
- Worked as Lecturer at GSSSIETW, Mysuru from 2003 to 2005
- Worked as Lecturer at GSSSBBPU and SSMI Grade College, Mysuru from 1991 to 2003
Publications :
- Unsteady MHD Free Convection Axisymmetric Methanol Boundary Layer Flow with Temperature Dependent Viscosity and Prandtl Number. SN Computer Science(Springer Nature Journal). 5(191), pp.1-9,2024.
- Unsteady MHD Non-similar Mixed Convection Ethanol Boundary Layer Flow Over a Slim Cylinder with Temperature Dependent Prandtl Number and Viscosity. Foundry Journal. 26(12), pp.39-51,2023.
- Paper entitled by “Temperature-Dependent Viscosity and Prandtl Number Effects on Free Convection Ethanol Boundary Layers about a Vertical Plate with Injection” has been published in International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention (IJESI). Publication Year: 2020 Publication Month: June Vol No.: 09.
- Mr.B Venkataseshaiah,Dr. A T Eswara,”Variable Viscosity and Prandtl Number Effects on Natural Convection Ethanol Boundary Layers about a Vertical Plate”. Volume 8, Issue 8 (Part V), July 2018 , ISSN: 2248-9622 , , pp 20-23 International Journal of Engineering Research and Application,. DOI:10.9790/9692-8087052023.
- Mr.B Venkataseshaiah, Ms.Roopadevi K N, “An Overview of Applications of Fourier Transform and Z- Transform in Engineering and Technology”, Volume 5, Issue 7, September 2017. ISSN: 23210613, pp.366-367 IJSRD.
- Mr.B Venkataseshaiah, Ms.Roopadevi K N, Stafford Michahial, “Image Compression using Singular Value Decomposition” in Int. Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Volume 5, 2016. (ISO 3297:2007), DOI 10.1748/IJARCCE.2016.51246
Academic Activities :
- Worked as Coordinator for International Conference on Adaptive Computational Intelligence (ICACI-2019) on 18th and 19th July 2019 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Worked as Coordinator for International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2018) on 14th and 15th December 2018 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Coordinated “Gita Chaitanya Scholarship Award” for 100 meritorious students of GSSSIETW on 20th April 2018 organized by GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Coordinated The International Conference on “Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2017)” on 15-16 December-2017 organized by GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Paper Evaluator for Theory exams of Engineering Mathematics- I, II, III, IV; Advance Engineering Mathematics I, II under VTU.
- Paper Evaluator for Theory exams of Discrete mathematical Structure and Graph Theory and Combinatorics under VTU.
- External DCS for VTU exams.
- Internal Chief Superintendent for VTU exams.
Faculty Development Activities :
- Participated in Webinar on “New Applications of Omega Invariant” organized by Department of Mathematics, VVCE, Mysuru on 20th August, 2024.
- Participated in NEP Orientation & Sensitization Programme-02 organised by Inter University Centre for Teacher Education, BHU, Varanasi in online mode from 22nd July, 2024 - 31st July, 2024.
- attended Three day workshop on “Course Design in OBE and NBA Framework” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru from 10th to 12th June 2024.
- Two days’ International Webinar on ‘FLUID DYNAMICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS’, Organized by the Department of Mathematics, Government First Grade College, Vijayanagara, Bengaluru on 28th and 29th May 2020, in association with Department of Mathematics, Bangalore University, Bengaluru
- “Doing Research: Challenges, Dos and Don’ts” under IQAC Cell, GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women on June 16, 2020, organized by ECE Research Centre under VTU, Belagavi.
- One-Week National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on “Professional Documentation using LATEX” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with Institution of Electronics and Tele communication Engineers (IETE), Shimoga Centre, conducted from 13th to 18th July 2020.
- Five day Faculty Development Programme on “Mathematical Concepts By Using Free Open Source Softwares (Foss)” organized by the Department of Mathematics, BMSIT&M, Bengaluru held during 21st to 25th July, 2020.
- Participated in the National webinar on “BE THE CHANGE IN YOU” organized by the Internal Compliance Cell , Stella Mary’s College Of Engineering,Tamilnadu, on 8th August 2020.
- ISTE approved online FDP on “Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Techniques in Fluid Mechanics “ from 24.08.2020 to 28.08.2020 organized by JNNCE ,Shivamoga.
- Three day webinar on “Current Trends in Applied Mathematics” from 21st - 23rd September 2020.Maharaja Institute of Technology Mysore.
- One Day Webinar On “Scientific Writing For Journals”,Vtu,Belagavi And Springer Nature, September 30,2020 .
- Webinar on “Food for present world and the future” organised by the Department of Chemistry, GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru on 5th October 2020.
- “Five - Day Faculty Development Program (Virtual) On “Recent Trends In Fluid Dynamics”
- Conducted By Sapthagiri College Of Engineering, in association with CMTI, Bengaluru from 17th to 21st November, 2020.
- Attended two days work shop on “Applied Mathematics Using MATLAB” at RNSIT,Bangalore on 25-26 July-2019.
- Attended one day FDP on ”A Road For Writing Research Articles And Publications “at GSSSIETW, Mysuru, on 25 June-2019.
- Attended national seminar on “Women Empowerment in India” by Dr. Jothibai of AgapeCARE society, Malaysia on 18th July 2019 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Attended a talk by Smt. S Gowthami, Founder Secretary, Allinov R & D Pvt Ltd. on IPR for students and faculty members at GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 12th Jan, 2019
- Attended one day FDP on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell Inauguration" held on 16th May 2018 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Participated in National Conference on “Geometric Function Theory and its Applications”organized by Yuvaraja’s College Mysuru on 29th and 30th January 2018, held at Mansagangotri, Mysuru.
- Participated 3 day’s FDP program on “Recent Trends in Nanoscience and Technology (RTNST-2017)” held on 12th -14th October 2017. GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Attended one day Faculty Development Program on “Blooms Taxonomy” for better understanding of the preparation of Question Papers during the course, organizing by ISTE Chapter, GSSSIETW on Monday 11th September 2017.
- Participated one day Faculty Development Program on “Collaborative Research and pedagogy” at GSSS Institute of Engg & Technology for women, Mysore, held on 3rd August 2017
- One Day Faculty Development Program on “Research Methodology and Teaching Information Security: An Overview” organized by GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 09 June 2017.
- Attended one day workshop on “Bloom’s taxonomy” GSSSIETW, Mysuru, 31 Jan 2017.
- One Day Faculty Development Program on “Recent Trends in Science and Mathematics (RTSM-2017)” organized by GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 11 January 2017.
- Three day workshop on “Research Methodology and Research Motivational Aspects” from 27th to 29th July 2016 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru
- FDP on Linear Algebra for Electrical Sciences, from 26 th to 29 th February 2016, held at SJCE,Mysuru.
- Workshop on “NBA Accreditation” from 21 st to 23 rd July 2015 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Three days faculty development program on “APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING” from 13 th to 15 th July 2015 at MSRIT, Bengaluru.
- Attended a Second National Level Conference “TANTRAGNANA 2009” from 06 th & 07 th Oct 2009 organized by GSSS Institute of Engg. And Technology for Women, Mysuru
- Attended a Seminar “EXCITEMENT IN MATHEMATICS” conducted by P.E.S College of Science, Arts & Commerce, Mandya .
Administrative Activities :
- Worked as Chief Superintendent for COMED-K examination.
Professional Membership
- Life Member in Indian Society for Technical Education (113705)
Contact Details :
Department of Mathematics,
GSSS Institute Of Engineering & Technology For Women
Email id : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone : 0821-4257304 (Extn 1135)
My Visions :
To provide the students with strong Mathematical foundation.