Faculty Name : Dr. Vinay Venugopal
Department : Physics
Dr. Vinay Venugopal
Professor & Head
Dept. of Physics
Education Details :
- Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands, 2005.
- Master of Science in Physics, Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, Chennai, 1999.
- Bachelor of Science in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore University, Bangalore, 1997.
Personal Details :
- Date of birth : 07/01/1976
- Hobbies : Poetry, meditation
- Languages Known: English, Kannada, Hindi and Telugu
Research Details :
- Nanostructuring semiconductor surfaces by medium energy ion beam sputtering (Feb 2009- April 2010) Supervisor: Dr. T. Som, Professor, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneshwar.
- Adsorption of organic molecules on rough metal surfaces and stepped metal surfaces (Oct 2007-Dec 2008) Supervisor: Dr. M. Rocca, Professor, Department of Physics, University of Genova, Genova, Italy.
- Adsorption and thermal excitation of organic molecules on Si (111)7x7 (July 2005-June 2007)
- Adsorption of carbon tetrachloride and acetic acid on Si(111)7x7 studied by home built electron energy loss spectroscopy, low energy electron diffraction, Auger electron spectroscopy and temperature programmed desorption under ultrahigh vacuum conditions.
- Supervisor: Dr. K. T. Leung, Professor, Director, Waterloo Advanced Technology Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
Ph.D (Aug 2000-April 2005)
- Defects and thermal stability of nanothin Cu films on Mo and Ta Thesis Advisor: Dr. B. J. Thijsse, Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
- Thin Films: metal films on metal substrates (fcc/bcc, epitaxy); defects in thin films (vacancies, vacancy clusters); thermal stability of thin films; solid surfaces and solid-solid interfaces; helium behavior in metals, thin films; desorption (helium from thin films, metal films from metal substrates), ohmic contacts, thermal barrier coatings
- Surface Science: semiconductor surfaces, organic semiconductor interfaces, vibrational spectroscopy of organic molecules adsorbed on semiconductor surfaces, rough and stepped metal surfaces, dynamics of adsorption on stepped metal surfaces.
- Ion-solid interactions: ion implantation, ion assisted film deposition; nanostructuring semiconductor surfaces by ion sputtering-GaAs, GaN
- Compton effect: recoiled electrons, cross-section, medium effects
- Physics education: Innovation in teaching and lab experiments
- Ultrahigh vacuum techniques, ion beam sources (helium, argon), quadrupole mass spectrometry, thin film deposition by thermal evaporation, electron beam evaporation, ion beam assisted thin film deposition, thermal helium desorption spectrometry, electron energy loss spectroscopy, auger electron spectroscopy, low energy electron diffraction, temperature programmed desorption, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, supersonic molecular beam. Working in Cleanroom Class 10,000
- Techniques Used: X ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, electron backscattered diffraction, variable energy positron beam analysis, atomic force microscopy, optical microscopy.
Profession Experience :
- Professor and Head at Department of Physics, GSSSIETW, Mysore from July 2018 to till date.
- Research and Development Manager, Vaazu India Pvt Ltd., Bangalore from February 2018 to June 2018.
- Associate Professor, Center of Applied Research and nano-Technology, SIT, Tumkur from December 2013 to January 2018.
- Assistant Professor (Senior Grade), Division of Physics, VIT University Chennai Campus, Chennai from May 2010 to December 2013.
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Surface Nanostructuring and Growth Laboratory, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar from February 2009 to April 2010.
- ICTP Research Fellow, Department of Physics, University of Genova, Genova, Italy from October 2007 to December 2008.
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Waterloo Advanced Technology Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada from July 2005 to June 2007.
- Promovendus, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands from August 2000 to April 2005.
- Project Assistant, Research Group of Professor Biman Bagchi, Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore from August 1999 to March 2000.
Lab Development :
- Modern Physics Lab and Materials Science Lab for First Year B.Tech., VIT University Chennai Campus, Chennai
- Science and Technology of Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials Lab, Modeling and Simulation for Nanotechnology Lab, First Year M.Tech. Nanotechnology, Department of Nanotechnology, SIT, Tumkur
- Operation and maintenance of thermal evaporator systems for metallization, Class 10,000 Clean Room, Center of Applied Research and nano-Technology, SIT, Tumkur
- Faculty Co-ordinator, “Establishment of Nanomaterials Test Center”, KCTU assisted, Center of Applied Research and nano-Technology, SIT, Tumkur, 2017-18
In Refereed International Journals
- V. Venugopal, L. J. Seijbel, N. M. Van der Pers and B. J. Thijsse, ‘Defects and morphological changes in nanothin Cu films on Mo(100) studied by thermal helium desorption spectrometry’, Journal of Applied Physics 96, 4463 (2004). Impact Factor=2.168, Citation=2.
- V. Venugopal, L. J. Seijbel and B. J. Thijsse, ‘Defects and structural changes in nanothin Cu films on polycrystalline Mo analyzed by thermal helium desorption spectrometry’, Journal of Applied Physics 98, 024315 (2005). Impact Factor=2.168, Citation=2.
- V. Venugopal, M. Ebrahimi , Z. H. He, and K. T. Leung, ‘Dissociative adsorption and thermal evolution of carbon tetrachloride on Si(111)7x7’, Surface Science 602 (2008) 3000. Impact Factor=1.994
- V. Venugopal and B. J. Thijsse, ‘Study of defects and thermal stability of ultrathin Cu films on Ta(110) and Ta(100) by thermal helium desorption spectrometry’ ,Thin Solid Films 517 (2009) 5482. Impact Factor=1.890, Citation=5.
- O. Skibbe, D. Vogel, M. Binder, A. Pucci, T. Kravchuk,L. Vattuone, V. Venugopal, A. Kokalj and M. Rocca, ‘Ethene stabilization on Cu(111) by surface roughness’, Journal of Chemical Physics 131 (2009) 024701. Impact Factor=3.333, Citation=12
- V. Venugopal and B. J. Thijsse, ‘Defects and thermal stability of ultrathin Cu films on Mo(110) studied by thermal helium desorption spectrometry’, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (2009) 165412. Impact Factor=2.544 Citation=1
- V. Venugopal, L. Vattuone, T. Kravchuk, M. Smerieri, L. Savio, J. Jupille, and M. Rocca, ‘Dynamics of ethene adsorption on clean and C-contaminated Cu(410)’, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (2009) 20875. Impact Factor=4.805, Citation=5
- T. Kravchuk, V. Venugopal, L. Vattuone, L. Burkholder, W. T. Tysoe, M. Smerieri, M. Rocca, ‘Ethene adsorption and decomposition on the Cu(410) surface’, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (2009) 20881. Impact Factor =4.805, Citation=4
- V. Venugopal, M. Ebrahimi, Z. H. He, and K. T. Leung, ‘Adsorption and thermal dissociation of acetic acid on Si(111)7x7 studied by electron energy loss spectroscopy’, Journal of Chemical Physics 132 (2010) 174702. Impact Factor=3.333
- V. Venugopal, T. Basu, S. Garg, J. K. Tripathi, S. Chandramohan, P. Das, T. K. Chini, S.R. Bhattacharyya, D. Kanjilal, T. Som, ‘Ion erosion induced nanostructured semiconductor surfaces: Potential templates for magnetic thin films’, International Journal of Nanotechnology, 9 (2012) 1007.
- L. Vattuone, V. Venugopal, T. Kravchuk, M. Smerieri, L. Savio and M. Rocca, ‘Poisoning and non-poisoning oxygen on Cu(410)’, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (2011) 484001. Impact Factor=2.546
- V. Venugopal, S. K. Garg, T. Basu, O. P. Sinha, S. R. Bhattacharyya, D. Kanjilal, and T. Som, ‘Nanostructures on GaAs surfaces due to 60 keV Ar+-ion beam sputtering’, Applied Surface Science 258 ( 2012) 4144. Impact Factor=2.103
- S. K. Garg, V. Venugopal, T. Basu, O.P. Sinha, S. Rath, D. Kanjilal,and T. Som, ‘Evolution of ripple morphology on Si(100) by 60-keV argon ions’, Applied Surface Science 258 (2012) 4135. Impact Factor=2.103, Citation=1
- V. Venugopal and P.S. Baghdikar, 'de Broglie wavelength and frequency of recoiled electrons in the Compton effect', Physics Education, 29 (1) (2013) 35
- V. Venugopal, K. Upadhyaya, K. Kumar, S.M. Shivaprasad, ‘Ion induced compositional changes and nanodroplet formation on GaN surface’ Appl. Surf. 315 Sci (2014) 440
Publications in Refereed International Conference Proceedings
- V. Venugopal and B. J. Thijsse, ‘Ultrathin Cu films on Mo(110) characterized by helium implantation’, Material Research Society Symposium Proceedings 792, 351 (2004). Citation=1
- V. Venugopal, P. Das, T. Basu, S. Garg, S. Majumdar, S. Sarangi, S. R. Bhattacharyya, T. K. Chini, T. Som, ‘Evolution of surface topography on GaAs(100) and GaAs(111) at normal and oblique incidence of Ar+-ions’, AIP Conference Proceedings 1276, 50 (2010).
- S. G. Chefranov, A. G. Chefranov, V. Venugopal, “Compton effect in the medium with non-unity refractive index’ Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium Proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden, 721 (2013).
Presentation at Conferences:
- V. Venugopal, B. J. Thijsse and L. J. Seijbel, ‘Thin Cu films on polycrystalline Mo analyzed by thermal helium desorption spectrometry’, Poster, Materials Research 2002, Veldhoven, Netherlands, May 27-28 (2002).
- V. Venugopal and B. J. Thijsse, ‘Morphology changes in thin Cu films on polycrystalline Mo’, Poster, MRS Fall Meeting 2002, Boston, USA, Dec 2-6 (2002).
- V.Venugopal and B. J. Thijsse, ‘Morphology changes in thin Cu films on Mo’, Talk, Materials Research 2003, Veldhoven, Netherlands, May 22-23 (2003).
- V.Venugopal, B. J. Thijsse, R. Delhez and N. M. van der Pers, ‘Stability and structure of nanothin Cu films on Mo(100)’, Poster, EURESCO Conference on Fundamental Aspects of Surface Science, Kerkrade, Netherlands, Oct 4-9 (2003).
- V. Venugopal and B. J. Thijsse, ‘Thin Cu films on Mo(110) characterized by helium implantation’, Talk, MRS Fall Meeting 2003, Boston, USA, Dec 1-5 (2003).
- V. Venugopal and B. J. Thijsse, ‘Thin Cu films on Mo(110) analyzed by THDS’, Talk, Wetenschappelijke FOM-Dagen, Gecondenseerde Materie, Veldhoven, Netherlands, Dec 16-17 (2003).
- V. Venugopal and B. J. Thijsse, ‘Thin Cu films on Ta(110) characterized by thermal helium desorption spectrometry’, Poster, 16th International Vacuum Congress, Venice, Italy, June 28-July 2 (2004).
- V. Venugopal, Z. H. He, and K. T. Leung, ‘Adsorption and thermal evolution of acetic acid on Si(111)7X7 studied by EELS’, Poster, Surface Canada 2006, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, May 14-17 (2006).
- V. Venugopal, Z. H. He, and K. T. Leung, ‘Adsorption and thermal decomposition of acetic acid on ion bombarded Si(111)7x7 characterized by EELS’, Poster, The 22nd Annual Symposium On Chemical Physics, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, November 3-5 (2006).
- V. Venugopal, M. Ebrahimi , Z. H. He, and K. T. Leung, ‘Adsorption and thermal decomposition of carbon tetrachloride on Si(111)7x7’, Talk, National Conference on “New Horizons in Theoretical and Experimental Physics” (NHTEP – 2007), Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, India, October 8-10 (2007).
- V. Venugopal and B. J. Thijsse, ‘Ultrathin Cu films on Ta(110) and Ta(100) Studied by Thermal Helium Desorption Spectrometry’, Poster, 2nd International Conference on Physics at Surfaces and Interfaces, Puri, India, February 23-27 (2009).
- V. Venugopal, L. Vattuone, T. Kravchuk, M. Smerieri, L. Savio, J. Jupille, and M. Rocca, ‘Adsorption on nanostructured surfaces: Ethene on Cu(410)’, Talk, Nanotech India 2010, Cochin, India November 19-21 (2010).
- V. Venugopal, S. K. Garg, T. Basu, O. P. Sinha, S. R. Bhattacharyya, D. Kanjilal, and T. Som, ‘Nanostructures on GaAs surfaces due to 60 keV Ar+-ion beam sputtering’, Talk, IINM-2011, Bhubaneswar, India, February 07-10, 2011.
- V. Venugopal, S. K. Garg, T. Basu, O. P. Sinha, S. R. Bhattacharyya, D. Kanjilal, and T. Som, ‘Ion Erosion Induced Nanodots on GaAs(100)’, Poster, Bangalore Nano 2011, Bengaluru, December 8-9, 2011.
- V. Venugopal and P.S. Baghdikar, 'de Broglie wavelength and frequency of the recoiled electrons in Compton effect', Talk, World Conference on Physics Education-2012, Istabul, Turkey, July 1-7, 2012. Abstract Only.
- V. Venugopal, K. Upadhyaya, K. Kumar, S.M. Shivaprasad “Ion induced compositional changes and nanodroplet formation on GaN surface”, International Vacuum Congress, IVC-19, Paris, France, Sept 9-13, 2013.
- Thanuja M. Y., V. Venugopal, S. K. Shastry, “Design of high performance superlattice thermal barrier coatings for gas turbine engines”, IC NANO-2016, VTU Muddenahalli, April 21-23, 2016.
- Nandan M. , V. Venugopal, S. K. Shastry, “Ti/Al multilayer ohmic contact to n-GaN on sapphire”, ICEECCOT-2018, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, 14 & 15th December 2018.
Academic Activities :
- Taught Modern Physics for undergraduate engineering students (both theory and practical, VIT Chennai), 2010-13. Teaching Engineering Physics (theory and lab) for I BE students at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Taught Materials Science for undergraduate engineering students (both theory and practical, VIT Chennai), 2010-13
- Taught Quantum Mechanics, Materials Science and Engineering, Modeling and Simulation for Nanotechnology; Nanomaterials, Surface, Interface and Catalysis (theory M.Tech. Nanotechnology, SIT, Tumkur), 2014-18
- Taught Science and Technology of Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials, Modeling and Simulation for Nanotechnology (lab M.Tech. Nanotechnology, SIT, Tumkur), 2014-18
- Conducted Internship on (i) PVD and ohmic contact studies and (ii) MOCVD system design, setup, and testing (M.Tech. Nanotechnology, SIT, Tumkur), 2015-17
- Mentor for the NPTEL Online Certification course ‘Introduction to Research’, Jan-March, 2016
- Developed M.Tech. theory syllabus for Quantum Mechanics, Modeling and Simulation for Nanotechnology, Surface Coatings and lab experiments on Nanomaterials, Modeling and Simulation for Nanotechnology, Department of Nanotechnology, SIT, Tumkur, 2015-18
- Member, Board of Studies, M.Tech. Nanotechnology, SIT, Tumkur, 2015-18
Faculty Development Activities :
- Collaborators’ Workshop on R&D Projects, SIT, Tumkur, Feb 19-22, 2014.
- Sixth International Conference on Nano Science and Technology (ICONSAT) organized by INST, Mohali, March 2-5, 2014.
- One-day Workshop on Nano-electronics and Nano-materials organized by CABS, DRDO, Bangalore and SIT, Tumkur, Bangalore, November 22, 2014.
- ASME 2014 Gas Turbine India Conference, New Delhi, December 15-17, 2014.
- One Day Workshop on Nano Metrology and Material Characterization organized by Nano Manufacturing Technology Center, CMTI, Bangalore, 25 June, 2014.
- Collaborators’ Workshop on R&D projects, SDMIT, Ujire, April 17-19, 2015.
- Incubating Relevant Engineering R&D Programs and Establishing Centres of Excellence in Engineering Colleges organized by VTU, Belagavi and SIT, Tumkur, 11-13 May, 2015.
- National Conference on New Materials for Solar Cells and Sensors organized by Tumkur University, Tumkur, April 12, 2016
- National Conference on Sharing of Innovative Ideas and Achievements of Centres of Excellence organized by SIT, Tumkur, April 21-23, 2016.
- Conclave for Research Excellence through Collaboration organized by College of Technology, G B Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, October 06-08, 2016.
- Collaborators’ Workshop on R&D Projects, SDMIT, Ujire, January 13, 2017.
- Workshop on Software Skills for Engineering Data Analysis and Presentation, In-house Faculty Development Programme, SIT Tumakuru, 23-28 July, 2017.
- International Conference on Nanomaterials and their Applications, University of Mysore, 1-2 March, 2018
- FDP on “Revised Engineering Physics Theory & Laboratory Curriculum,2018-19 (CBCS Scheme)” Organized by Department of Physics, CMRIT, Bengaluru, 18th & 19th July, 2019.
- The Micro & Nano Fabrication Workshop 2019 at CMTI, Bengaluru, March 26, 2019.
- 3-days “Faculty Development Program for Student Induction (FDP-SI)” during 14-16 May 2019 at Manglore Institute of Technology & Engineeering, Manglore organized by AICTE.
- 7-days “Faculty Development Program for Student Induction (FDP-SI)” during 23-29 July 2019 at Shri Venkateshwara College of Engineering , Bangalore organized by AICTE.
Funds/Grants Awarded
- Program Coordinator for the project “Fabrication and Characterization of Multifunctional Nanostructured Anti-reflecting Coating Grown by Glancing Angle Deposition for Photovoltaic Applications”, VGST scheme of CISEE, grant of Rs. 30.00 lakh for the period 2019-2022 at Department of Physics, GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
Membership to Professional Societies:
- Indian Association of Physics Teachers-Life Membership
- Materials Research Society of India-Life Membership
Administrative Activities :
- Co-ordinator, Ba Innovation Club, VIT University Chennai Campus, 2010-13
- Faculty In-charge of procurement of library books and softwares under TEQIP, Center of Applied Research and nano-Technology, SIT, Tumkur, 2014-18
Awards and Fellowships :
- Top 50 finalist of India, The H. Dudley Wright International Student Contest, Planetary Society, USA. Presented a report “Closed loop environment and life supporting systems for manned space flight to Mars” (1991).
- Third Prize, Sixth All India Essay Contest in Nuclear Science & Technology, Department of Atomic Energy, India. Topic: Energy options in India-Role of nuclear power (1994).
- Summer Research Fellowship in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India (June-July 1997) with Prof. T. Padmanabhan, IUCCA, Pune.
- ICTP TRIL Postdoctoral Fellowship, Trieste, Italy (2007-2008)
- Visiting Fellowship 2011-12, Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India with Prof. S.M. Shivaprasad, ICMS, JNCASR, Bangalore.
Contact Details :
Department of Physics,
GSSS Institute Of Engineering & Technology For Women
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone : 0821-4257304/05/06 (Extn 1201)
My Visions :
- To impart engineering physics education to UG engineering students with the state of the art teaching-learning methodologies in order to inculcate critical thinking, problem solving and hands on skills.
- To conduct research and train PhD students in the frontier areas of thin film technology and surface coatings.