Faculty Name : Mamatha N
Department : Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Assistant Professor,
Department of AI&DS.
Vidwaan id : https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/530089
Orcid id: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0009-0004-7436-1594
Google Scholar id: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=hAshmE4AAAAJ
Education Details :
- Master of Technology, Computer Science and Technology, University of Mysore, Mysore, July 2014.
- Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Bahubali College of Engineering, Shravana Belagola, July2009.
Personal Details :
- DOB:09-03-1985
- Hobbies: Listening to music, Dance, PC gaming and Reading books
- Languages: English, Kannada and Hindi.
Profession Experience :
- Assistant Professor, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, Nov 2023 to till date
- Assistant Professor, NIE (North), Mysuru Dec 2022 to Oct 2023.
- Assistant Professor, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, Aug 2014 to May 2015.
- Lecturer,SAIT,Bangalore, Nov 2009 to Apr 2012.
Academic Activities:
- Organized and coordinated 2 days WORKSHOP on “Data Visualization” conducted by IVIS LABS Pvt.Ltd ,Mysuru by Resource person Data Analytical Engineer Miss Rakshitha.
- Organized and Coordinated Tech Quest enhancing technical skills of the Student in Club Code Event.
- Organized and coordinated 3 days WORKSHOP conducted by Dalvik Apps,Mumbai.,on “MERN STACK”.
- Organized and Coordinated Skill Lab- Industrial Visit and Career Guidance Training to UR Rao Satellite Centre,Bangalore
- Organized and Coordinated Technical Talk on “Data Science as a Career” by Resource Person Dr.Vinay Kumar Venkataramana.
- Organized and Coordinated Technical Talk on “Cloud Computing-azure 900”by Resource Person Sushma Koushik N,Senior Analyst,Infosys and the event was conducted as a part of the Club of Data Science Engineers.
- Organized and Coordinated 3 days Workshop on “Object Oriented Programming with JAVA” conducted by Dalvik Apps,Mumbai.
- Organized and coordinated 3 days’ SDP on” Programming Essentials in Python and Data Analytics using flask framework” conducted at NIE(North), Mysuru in association with Intrella technology and services by Resource person Developer Sunil Kumar N.
- Organized and coordinated 2 days’ SDP on “Micro Controller and Embedded System Hardware” conducted at NIE (North), Mysuruby Resource person Srinidhi H.R system engineer LEKHA WIRELESS SOLUTION, Bengaluru.
- Organized and coordinated 2 days’ SDP on “LINUX OS &System Software” conducted at NIE(North), Mysuru by Resource person Dr Lakshmi, VVCE Mysuru.
- Exam Content Preparation, Arranging Theoretical and Practical Exams, Worked as Lab Examiner, Paper Valuator in VTU Lab exams,
- Valuator at university level examination.
Faculty Development Activities :
- One Week National Level Faculty Development Program on Cloud Infrastructure (AWS)organized by THE National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru,in collaboration with Brainovision Solutions India Pvt Ltd and AICTE
- 3 days WORKSHOP COMPLETION CERTIFICATE on Data Visualization Using Power BI and Tableau.
- Participated in Staff Development Program me (SDP) on “OPTICAL NETWORKS and RELEVANT AREAS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY “organized by Sambhram Institute of Technology, Bangalore sponsored by AICTE.
- COORDINATOR during “IEEE Women in Engineering(WIE)Day-2024” Organized by IEEE Student Branch and Women in Engineering Affinity Group,GSSSIETW
- Conducted Student and Faculty Development Program me in various Subjects.
Administrative Activities :
- Department level Placement Assistance Coordinator
- Department level Internal Assessment Coordinator
- Department level Code Club Coordinator
- Department level EMS Coordinatorl
- Department level Industrial Visit Coordinator
- Academia Counselor for UG students
- Guided UG level projects for Pre Final year and Final year students
- College level Social Media Coordinator
- Computer Society of India (CSI) Coordinator
- Sports Coordinator
- Managing Industry Academia relations.
- Instrumental in department planning and operations.
- Providing students with counsel and direct supervision
Professional Membership:
- Computer Society of India (CSI)
Contact Details :
Department of AI&DS,
GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women
Email id: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
My Vision :
My vision is to educate the students in this challenging and dynamic environment of Engineering Field. Managing and keep track of student’s record to maintain high ethical and professional standards to reach their goals set for their professional learning.