Faculty Name : Dr. Latha .M
Department : Electronics and Communication Engineering
Latha M
Associate Professor,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7316-395X
Scopus ID: 57560703800
Google Scholar ID: nI3COo8AAAAJ
Vidwan ID: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/505746
Education Details :
- Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Sciences for the Thesis entitled “Assessment and Improving Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech in the Kannada Language” under VTU ECE Research Center at GSSSIETW, Mysuru, 10th March 2022.
- Master of Technology in Computer Networks Engineering, NIE, Mysore, 2013.
- Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering, KNSIT, Bangalore, 2007.
Personal Details :
- Date of birth : 04/04/1986
- Hobbies : Reading Books, Listening to music
- Languages Known: English, Kannada, and Hindi.
- Technical Skills: Microcontroller, Microprocessor, Network Simulator, PRAAT tool.
- Area of Interest: Speech signal processing, Networking and Communication Systems
Profession Experience :
- Working as Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at GSSSIETW, Mysore from 1/9/2022 to till date.
- Worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at GSSSIETW, Mysore from 6/8/2007 to 31/8/2022.
Publications :
- Latha M,Manjula G,Raghavendra Y M,Keerthi Kumar,Rashmi H C, presented and published article on “Enhancing Skin Cancer Classification on the PH2 Dataset through Transfer Learning Technique” in International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Science, Engineering and Management (ICFTSEM) 2024.
- Manjula G, Latha M, Raghavendra Y M,Asha M presented and published article on “Therapeutic Implications of Voiced Sounds in children with Communication Needs” in International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Science, Engineering and Management (ICFTSEM) 2024.
- Dr. Raghavendra Y M, Dr. Asha.M, Dr. Manjula.G, Dr. Latha.M, SwaranaLakshmi, Harshitha.R presented and published article on "Optimization of Energy and Spectrum Sensing Using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access" in International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Science, Engineering and Management (ICFTSEM) 2024.
- Latha M, Shivakumar M,Manjula G, Hemakumar and Keerthikumar M “Deep Learning-Based Acoustic Feature Representations for Dysarthric Speech Recognition” Volume 1,Special Issue, pp 1-12, SN Computer Science Journal, March 2023.
- Manjula G, Shivakumar M, Latha M and Keerthikumar M, “Development of an Adaptive Optimization ANN model for an automatic Identification and classification of stuttering in speech”, Volume 1,Special Issue, pp 1-12, SN Computer Science Journal, April 2023.
- Shyamala C and Latha M, “A Review of CXR Based Lung Disease classifications using Convolutional Neural Network” in International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 3,pp 1437-1441,March 2023.
- Shyamala C and Latha M, “OFDM Data Streaming using USRP 2944R and LabVIEW” in International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 3,pp 1591-1598, March
- 2023.
- Latha M and Shyamala C, “A Review on semiconductor Manufacturing using AI Techniques” in International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 3,pp 1376-1380, March 2023.
- Latha M, Dr Shivakumar M and Dr R Manjula, published paper on “ Comparative Analysis of Feature Extraction Methods for Kannada Bi-Syllabic Words of Dysarthric Speech” in Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, Thomson Reuters Web of Science Clarivate Analytics USA and Crossref Indexed Journal, Volume 13, Special Issue, December 2020, pp.332-337, with http://dx.doi.org/10.21786/bbrc/13.13/51.
- Latha M, Dr Shivakumar M and Dr R Manjula, published paper on “ An Approach for computing Acoustic Coeffecients of Dysarthric speech in Kannada Language” in Solid State Technology, (Scopus Indexed), Volume 63, Issue 2s,December 2020,pp.10216-10223, with http://solidstatetechnology.us/index.php/JSST/article/view/6950.
- Latha M, Dr Shivakumar M, Dr R Manjula and Dr Hemakumar G, published paper on “ Assessment of Vocal Features in Subjects with Dysarthria using Kannada Language Syllable” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), (Scopus Indexed), Volume 11, Issue 8,August 2020,pp.677-686, with DOI:10.34218/IJARET.11.8.2020.066.
- Latha M, Dr Shivakumar M, Dr R Manjula published paper on ‘A Phonetic Level Analysis of Dysarthria in Kannada Language’ accepted by the board of ‘Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication’ which has published in ‘International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)’, ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-9 Issue-1, May 2020. Page No.:1235-1241.
- Latha M, Dr Shivakumar M, Dr R Manjula published paper entitled “Performance analysis of Kannada Phonetics-Vowels, Fricatives and Stop Consonants using LP Spectrum”, in Springer nature journal on 14th March 2020 with doi https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-020-0088-7.
- Latha M, Dr Shivakumar M, Dr R Manjula presented paper on “Performance analysis of Kannada Phonetics-Vowels, Fricatives and Stop Consonants using LP Spectrum” , International Conference on Adaptive Computational Intelligence ICACI-2019 in Technical Collaboration with Springer, pp 105 – 117, 18th July 2019.
- Latha M, “A Survey on Data Acquisition in Terrian Regions Using Robot” 3rd National Conference on “Robotics, Automation, Control and Embedded Systems” (NCRACES-2019) on 10th May 2019. Organized by the Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Department of Telecommunication Engineering at GSSSIETW,Mysuru.
- Arpithashankar S I,Latha M, Published a paper on “Theft Intimation of a Vehicle through GSM and GPS” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, ISSN:2349-6002, Volume 5, Issue 2 July 2018.
- Latha M, Arpithashankar S I, Published a paper on “Design of Delayed Auditory Feedback for Analyzing Dysfluent Speech Samples” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, ISSN:2349-6002, Volume 5, Issue 2 July 2018,pp 40-47.
- Meghana R,Tejaswini B R,Veekshitha RR,Varsha Iyengar.G,Latha M Presented Paper on “Smart Assistive device for Physically Challenged People” in the TELECOMBAT,National Level Project Contest organized by the Department of Telecommunication,BMSCE,on 5th May 2018 under IEEE BMSCE Student Chapter.
- Latha M,Dr.M.Shivakumar,“A Study of Acoustic Characteristics, Prosodic and Distinctive Features of Dysarthric Speech” has been presented in the International conference on Signal, Image Processing, Communication & Automation (ICSIPCA-2017) at JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru on 6th July, 2017.
- Presented a paper on “Secured Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks” Presented in the National Conference held at Bheemanna Khandre Institute of Technology, Bhalki, and Karnataka.
- Stafford Michahail, Latha M, Akshatha S,Juslin F,Ms Manasa B,Shivani U, “Automatic Image Mosaicing using Sift, Ransac and Homography”, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, Volume 3, Issue 10, ISSN(Online): 2277-3754, April 2014,pp.247-251.
- Latha M, Stafford Michahail, Apoorva K.S, Pooja S.K, Prafulla P.S, Sharvani Chandrashekar B C, “Electric Vehicle Charging Method for Automobiles using Photovoltaic Cells”, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, Volume 3, Issue 11, May2014, pp.128-132.
Patent Filed Details:
Applied Patent dated 13/02/2024 on the topic “Developing a Therapeutic Framework for addressing Articulation Disorders in Pathological Speech” with Application No 202441010353.
Published Patent on 11/03/2024.
Research Details:
Research Supervisor in VTU EC Research center, GSSSIETW.
Faculty Development Activities :
- Five Days Online FDP on “Emerging Technologies for 5G/6G Wireless Communication” conducted by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, in association with IEEE,Bengaluru from 24th to 28th September 2024.
- Participated in Five Day Workshop on Course Design in OBE and NBA Framework from 20th May 2024 to 24th May 2024 organised by Department of electronic systems Engineering, Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore,India.
- Participated in One day Workshop on "Scientific Research,Article Writing,Funding Proposal and Patent Filing" organized by ECE Research Center, department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with DST CURIE Project GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 16th May 2024.
- In recognition and sincere appreciation for being a resource person of Three day workshop on “Course Design in OBE and NBA Framework” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru from 10th to 12th June 2024.
- Coodinator for Five Day Faculty Development Program on Realizing a software defined radio using FPGA from 20th to 24th May 2024 organized by department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with IEEE CAS Society and IEEE Student Branch GSSSIETW,Mysuru.
- Successfully completed ISTE approved SF-STTP/FDP Programme on “Python Programming & Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” held during 24.07.2023 to 28.07.2023 organized by JSS Polytechnic for The Differently Abled, Mysuru, Karnataka.
- Attended One Week National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on “Python Programming and Its Applications” from 8th to 12th May-2023 organized by the Department of Electronics & Telecommunication and Biomedical Engineering, BHARATRATNA INDIRA GANDHI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,SOLAPUR
- Attended one week national level Faculty Development Program on Cloud Infrastructure (AWS) organised by the National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, Karnataka in collaboration with Brain Vision Solutions India Pvt Ltd and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) during the period of 21st to 25th August 2023.
- Attended Five Days National Level online Faculty Development Program on "EMERGING TRENDS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING, IMAGE PROCESSING AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE” on 12th to 16th September 2023, Department of E&CE, SJMIT, Chitradurga
- Successfully completed Innovation Ambassador (IA) training ‘Foundation Level’ (Total 15 Sessions of 30 contact hours in online mode by MoE’s Innovation Cell & AICTE during the IIC calendar year 2021-22.
- Successfully completed one week AICTE-ISTE approved orientation/refresher programme on “Big Data Analytics in the Upliftment of Rural India” held during 7/2/2022 to 13/02/2022 organized by JSS Science and Technology, Mysuru, Karnataka.
- Successfully participated in Six Days Online Faculty Development program on “Prototype Design and Incubation” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Dr T Thimmaiah Institute of Technology,KGF,in association with IIC cell.
- Participated in 3 days FDP on “Inspirational teaching, IoT and 5G communication” organized by the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 15/09/2021 to 17/09/2021 at GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women,Mysuru.
- Participated in One Week FDP on “Awareness Programme for Knowledge Enhancement of Software Systems, Quality Aspects of Academics and Research (SS&QAR)” from 23 - 27 August 2021 organized by the department of Computer Science Engineering at GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women,Mysuru.
- Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Artificial Intelligence" from 2021-1-4 to 2021-1-8 at GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru. No:ATAL/2020/1607059071
- Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Capacity Building" from 2020-12-14 to 2020-12-18 at National Institute of Technology Patna. No:ATAL/2020/1607062439.
- Participated and successfully completed the Part 1 of the online UHV Refresher 1 FDP organized by All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE) from 30 November, 2020 to 4 December, 2020. F.No AICTE/FDP-SI/OnlineWorkshop/201/48894.
- Participated and successfully completed the online workshop on Universal Human Value on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” during 21-25 September, 2020 as organized by All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE). F.No AICTE/FDP-SI/OnlineWorkshop/201/39617.
- Attended 5 Days FDP on “Contemporary Research Methodology and Latex for Research Documentation” organized by the Department of CSE, GSSSIETW from 20th to 24th July 2020.
- Participated in One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Applications of Industry 4.0 an IOT in the field of engineering and medical” Organized by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from 27th July to 31st July 2020.
- Participated in One Week Online Faculty Development programme on “ Emerging trends and Applications of Artificial Intelligence” from 10th to 14th August,2020 organised by Department of Information Science & Engineering, Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology.
- Participated in 6 week udemy course on “Machine Learning, Data Science and Deep Learning with Python” from 14th April 2020.
- Participated in VTU TEQIP-1.3 sponsored 5 Day program on “Outcome Based Education and NBA Accreditation” organised by department of Information science and Engineering of GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru from January 7th to 11th 2020.
- Participated in 12 weeks NPTEL course on “Joy of Computing using Python” on 17th Nov 2019.
- Participated in 4 Days Faculty Development and Enrichment programme “FDEP-2019” on “Control Systems” held at GSSSIETW Mysuru from 16th to 19th, Jan 2019.
- Participated in Five Days Faculty Development programme on “IOT and Embedded System Design” organised by the E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati in association with GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women,Karnataka,held from 24-28 Sep,2018 and support from Digital Shark Technology, Channel partner of TI University Programme.
- Participated in Two Day FDP on “QUALITY INDICATOR FRAMEWORK (QIF) for NAAC Process” on 23rd and 24th July 2018 organized by IQAC, GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Participated in TEQIP-III Sponsored 5 Days Short Term Training Program on Optimization Techniques for Signa;l Processing and Network Communication(OTSPNC-2018) from June 14th to 18th, 2018.
- Participated in Four Days Faculty Development Programme on “Linear Algebra for Electrical Sciences” at SJCE Mysuru from 26th Feb to 29th Feb 2016.
- FDP coordinator for Faculty Development Program on “Embedded System Design using MSP 430” held at GSSSIETW, Mysore on 20th & 21st September 2014.
- One Week VTU-VGST Faculty Development Program on “Recent Advances in Medical Imaging Techniques” from 26th to 30th March 2012 conducted in GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore.
- One Week VTU-VGST Faculty Development Programme on “Secure Communication and Image Processing” from 14th to 18th March 2012 conducted in Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering, Shimoga.
Seminar / Workshop Activities
- participated in International SAGE TALK on Recent Advances in Cloud & Edge Computing and the Aneka 5G Cloud Platform (2 JUNE 2023) by Prof Rajkumar Buyya, Director, CLOUDS Lab, University of Melbourne, CEO, Manjrasoft, Australia, organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sagar Institute of Research & Technology, Bhopal.
- Participated in a webinar on “Mathematical Formulation and Application of Kernel Tensor Decompositions Based Unsupervised Feature Extraction” organized by IEEE Information Theory Society (ITS) Bangalore Chapter in Association with IEEE Bangalore Section and IEEE Mysuru Sub Section on 15th February 2021.
- Participated in the International webinar on “Machine Learning with Impact” organized by IEEE Student Branch-GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru in Association with IEEE Mysore Sub Section and IEEE Bangalore Section on 19th March 2021.
- Attended National Level One Day Awareness Workshop on “Outcome Based Education and Accreditation“ for Engineering Colleges organized by G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur on 11th Sep. 2020
- Participated in webinar on “Mastering Virtual Artificial Intelligence" organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department in association with ECSA on 28th July 2020.
- Participated in webinar on "How to write an effective technical paper” organized by GSSSIETW IEEE Student Branch in association with IEEE Bangalore Section and CAS Bangalore chapter on 24th August, 2020.
- Attended talk on “Importance of Centre for Higher Learning and Research” organised under IQAC, GSSSIETW on 29th August 2020.
- Participated in webinar on “ Implication of NEP-2020 for higher education and Research” organised by the Dayananda sagar Institutions bengaluru in association with board of IT Eduaction standards(BITES) on 27th August 2020.
- Participated in Webinar series on “Telemedicine, IOT and Nano Science” from 10th -12th June 2020 organized by the GSSSIETW,Mysuru IEEE Student Branch in association with IEEE Bangalore section and IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society Bangalore chapter.
- Participation in the Webinar on “AI and Data Science” organized by IEEE Circuits and Systems(CAS) Society Bangalore Chapter in association with IEEE Bangalore Section held on 30th May, 2020.
- Participated in Webinar on "Outcome Based Education - Road-map to E-learning & Accreditation" on 29th May 2020.
- Participated in webinar on “Outcome Based Education (OBE)” Organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Smt. Kamala & Sri Venkappa M. Agadi,College of Engineering & Technology, Lakshmeshwar on 27th May 2020
- Participated in International Seminar on Research and Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ISRIET-2018) organized by GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 17th December 2018.
- Participated in Two Days International workshop on ‘Speech processing–WSPD 2018’ at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing on 8th September 2018.
- Participated in Three Day Workshop under IETE on Speech Signal Processing from 2nd Jan to 4th Jan 2017, at MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology.
- Attended a workshop on “cyber crime Prevention and detection, Legal issues” “organized by Department of Master of computer Application, JSS Science and Technology university Mysore on 20th August 2016.
- Participated in Two Days Workshop on “NBA Accreditation” from 21st to 23rd July 2015 conducted in GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore.
- Attended Workshop on “Digital Processing of Speech Signals” organized through Department of Electronic and Instrumentation Technology, GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru on 19th September 2015.
- Participated in One Day Workshop on “Network Simulator-2,” held at GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women on 26th April 2014.
- Participated in completing the courseware, practical training and evaluations for Instructional Excellence in Intelligent Systems under the Intel College Excellence Program conducted in GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore from 2nd to 4th April, 2014.
- Participated in Two days CLIK Technology Workshop from 15th & 16th Feb 2013 on “Embedded Technologies”.
- Participated in Two days Mission10x workshop conducted at GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore from 22nd & 23rd March 2010 and successfully completed the Mission10X Learning Approach Practitioners Certificate.
- Participated in One week Mission10x workshop conducted at GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore from 4th to 8th January 2010 and successfully completed the Mission10X Learning Approach Practitioners Certificate.
Technical Talk/ Project Expo / International /National Conferences Coordination :
- Coordinator for Three day workshop on “Course Design in OBE and NBA Framework” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru from 10th to 12th June 2024.
- Coordinator and Track Chair for INDISCON 2023, held on 5th, 6th and 7th August 2023.
- Coordinator for Fourth National Conference on Communication and Data science (NCCDS- 2024) was conducted on 25th April 2024.
- Coordinator for Three Day Hackhathon on “IoT Innovate-a-Thon” under GSSSIETW IEEE CAS Society Student chapter from 8th to 10th July 2024.
- Coordinator for Five Day Faculty Development Program on “Realizing a Software Defined Radio using FPGA” from 20 th to 24 th May 2024 in association with IEEE CAS Society and IEEE SB, GSSSIETW.
- Coordinator and Organized Four Day Faculty Development Program on “Pathological Speech Signal Processing: Challenges, Opportunities and Future directions” sponsored by VGST from 2nd March 2022 to 5th March 2022.
- Coordinator and organized IEEE Technical Talk on “Telco Network Functions, Services Orchestration” through IEEE Student Branch and Dept. of ECE, GSSSIETW on Tuesday 28th June 2022.
- Coordinator and organized 6th National Level IEEE Project Competition at GSSSIETW in association with association with IEEE Bangalore section and IEEE Mysuru Subsection on Wednesday 8th June 2022.
- Coordinator and organized IEEE Distinguished Lecture on “Generative Adversarial Networks: Theory and Applications” through IEEE Student Branch and Dept. of ECE, GSSSIETW on Saturday 28th May 2022.
- Coordinator and organized 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT), in association with IEEE Bangalore section organised by GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru on 13th and 14th December 2019.
- Coordinator and organized 4th National Level Project Competition “IEEE Project Expo-2019” organized by IEEE Student Branch (STB17861) and IEEE WIE affinity Group,GSSSIETW in association with IEEE Bangalore section on 29th April 2019.
- Coordinator and organized “ International Women’s Day 2019” conducted by IEEE Student Branch(STB17861) and IEEE WIE affinity Group, GSSSIETW in association with IEEE Bangalore section on 28th March 2019.
- Coordinator and organized 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics,Communication,Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques(ICEECCOT), in association with IEEE Bangalore section organised by GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women,Mysuru on 14th and 15th December 2018.
- Coordinator for National conference “NCESC-2018” held at GSSSIETW, Mysore on 17th May 2018.
- Coordinator and organized “Coordinator certificate Distribution of ICCEECCOT 2018”, in association with IEEE Bangalore section organized by GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru on 9th March 2019.
- Coordinator and organized National conference “NCESC-2017” held at GSSSIETW, Mysore on 29th May 2017.
- Organized and Presented in Five Day Faculty Development Program on “NBA eSAR” for Tier-II Institutions, held on January 2nd to 6th, 2017 at GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women.
- Coordinator in Three days Faculty Development Programme on “Antenna Theory Design and Analysis using ESI’s CEM Solutions Tool 2016” from 27th to 29th Jan 2016 through Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) from the Department of Telecommunication Engineering conducted in GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru and The chief Guest is Mr.Sundar K S, Senior Lead Principal, Global Education Center, E&R, Department, Infosys Limited, Mysuru.
- Coordinator in “TECHSTROM’16” held at GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore on 17th May 2016.
- Coordinator and organized National conference on “Electronics, Signals, Communication & Optimization”, (NCESCO-15) held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 9th July 2015.
- Coordinator and organized Technical Talk on “Innovation Concepts” by Mr Sunil T Shambhatnavar,General Manager ,Advanced Electonic Systems, Bangalore through Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) from the Department of Telecommunication Engineering conducted in GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru on 29th September 2015.
- Coordinator and organized Technical Talk on “Risk V/S Opportunity”, by Mr Jayachandra Aradhya, Chief Exective, Silicon Micro Systems, Bangalore, through Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) from the Department of Telecommunication Engineering conducted in GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru on 9th October 2015.
- Coordinator and organized Technical Talk on “Electromagnetic Interference and compatibility” by Professor A N Shivaram, Retired Scientist,LRDE,DRDO,Bangalore through Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) from the Department of Telecommunication Engineering conducted in GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru on 16th October 2015.
- Forum Association Coordinator (FEST) in the Department of Telecommunication Engineering Organized Technical Talk on “Embedded Systems Design using SOC (MSP 430)” and chief Guest for the function is Mr.Gurjeet Singh, Managing Director, Gill Instruments, Bangalore on 19th September 2014.
Academic Coordination :
- Member in Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC) for Facultv /Staff GSSSIETW, Mvsuru during 2023-24.
- College level NBA coordinator from the August 2022, coordinated NBA Visit for ECE,CSE and ISE programs on 18th,19th and 20th August 2023 and also coordinated for NBA Compliance Visit for EEE Department on 7th April 2024.
- Coordinator and organized Institute Level “NBA Success Meet” on 11th December 2023.
- Department level NBA Coordinator from the year 2016 to 2021.
- NAAC Coordinator from the year 2018 to 31/8/21, Working as NAAC Coordinator for Department Level Criteria 1 coordinator.
- Antisexual Harassment Committee member from the year 2015 to 31/8/21.
- Project Coordinator and Internship Coordinator and submitted project proposal to NDRF, Manthan, IEEE, KSCST and VTU Innovative fund from the year 2015 to 2022.
- Guided 25 UG Projects, 2 PG Projects, 12 Internship projects, currently guiding 1 UG project, 1 Mini Project and 4 Internship Projects.
- QP setter, valuator and moderator in the VTU Valuation Centre,
- Student counselor, Scholarship Coordinator, Alumnae Coordinator, IA Coordinator, Time Table coordinator, Disciplinary Coordinator industrial visit Coordinator, Course material Verification Coordinator in the year 2018.
- MoU Coordinator for signing MoU with Nokia Solutions and Networks, India Private Limited, Bengaluru, on 5th Aug 2024.
- MoU Coordinator for Signing MoU with Kaynes Technology Mysuru on1st Feb 2018.
- MoU Coordinator and Signed MoU with Advance Electronics Systems on 29th September 2015.
- MoU Coordinator and Signed MoU with Silicon Micro Systems on 9th October 2015.
- MoU Coordinator and Signed MoU with TechniLab Instruments on 16th October 2015.
- M.Tech Thesis Evaluation for the two students in the year 2015 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Deputed for Syllabus Framing/Revision held at SJCE, Mysuru.
- Coordinated in preparing report for the VTU-VGST Sanctioned Grant of Rs.30,00,000/- in the year 2014.
- Coordinated in Preparing Proposals for organizing one week FDP Programs, Summer-Winter Schools and Project Proposals under VTU-VGST Grant in the year 2013.
- IETE Coordinator (The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers) from the year 2007 to 2009.
Session Chair/Jury Member :
- Session chair for 4th International flagship conference INDISCON 2023 is being hosted by GSSSIETW conducted by IEEE Mysore Sub-section under IEEE Bangalore section from 5 th to 7 th Aug 2023.
- Reviewer for International Conference on Evolutionary Algorithms and soft computing Techniques (EASCT-2023) organized by R V Institute of Technology and Management,Bengaluru,20-21 October 2023.
- Reviewer for International Conference on Smart Systems for Applications in Electrical Sciences-2024 held at SIT,Tumkuru on 3rd and 4th May 2024.
- Session chair for International Conference on Data Science and Network Security (ICDSNS-2023) held on 28th & 29thJuly, 2023 organised by Kalpataru Institute of Technology, Tiptur, Karnataka.
- Session chair for 4th International flagship conference INDISCON 2023 is being hosted by GSSSIETW conducted by IEEE Mysore Sub-section under IEEE Bangalore section from 5 th to 7 th Aug 2023.
- Reviewer for International Conference on smart systems for applications in Electrical Sciences, ICSSES 2023 organized by association of Electrical Sciences, SIT Tumkuru 7th to 8th July 2023.
- Reviewer of the conference papers pertaining to 3rd International conference on Adaptive Computational Intelligence ICACI 2022 held on 16th and 17th December 2022 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Session chair for IEEE International conference on Knowledge Engineering and Communication systems (ICKECS-2022) organised at SJC Institute of Technology, Chickballapur on 28th December 2022.
- Session chair in IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE-2022), organised by the Ballari Institute of Technology and Manangement,Ballari,India in association with IEEE Bangalore Section and IEEE Information society on 23rd and 24th April 2022.
- Jury Member in 4th National Level Project Competition “IEEE Project Expo-2019” organized by IEEE Student Branch (STB17861) and IEEE WIE affinity Group, GSSSIETW in association with IEEE Bangalore section on 29th April 2019.
- Session chair in International conference “ICEECCOT-2017” held at GSSSIETW, Mysore on DEC 2017.
- Session chair in “TECHSTROM’16” held at GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore on 17th May 2016.
- Session chair in the National conference on “Electronics, Signals, Communication & Optimization”, (NCESCO-15) held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 9th July 2015.
- External Judge for SPECTRUM IEEE Paper Presentation Competition held at Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering & Technology, Mysuru on 8th May 2015.
Grant Received :
- An Amount of Rs 2, 00,000/- sanctioned for submitting FDP proposal under Vision Group of Science and Technology Faculty Devlopment Programme on “Pathological Speech Signal Processing: Challenges, Opportunities and Future directions”.
- An amount of Rs 5000/- sanctioned for submitting project proposal “Forest Fire Detection and Management using IOT” under Financial Assistance for Innovative Projects of Final Year under graduate students for the year 2019-20 by VTU on 5th Jan 2021.
- An amount of Rs 3000/- sanctioned for submitting project proposal “Automatic Speech Recognition of Disordered Speech Diagnosis” under 43rd Series Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology for the Academic Year 2019-20 on 21st May 2020.
- An amount of Rs 5000/- sanctioned for submitting project proposal “Development of Wearable Real Time Health Monitoring System using IOT” under IEEE Bangalore Section- Humanitarian Technology Project Funding 2020 on 16th March 2020.
Online Courses :
- Participated in 12 weeks NPTEL course on “Joy of Computing using Python” on 17th Nov 2019.
- Participated in 6 week online course on “Machine Learning, Data Science and Deep Learning with Python” from 14th April 2020.
- Successfully completed four week online NPTEL course on “Effective Writing” during March, 2021.
- Successfully completed a online course on “Smart English Basics for Professionals” on June 2022.
- Participated in online NPTEL course on “Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice” during Feb 2022.
Co-ordination in organization CET/COMDE-K/ or any other co-ordination :
Invigilator/Room Superintendent for NEET/CET/COMED-K/GATE Examination Held at GSSSIETW, Mysore from the year 2007 to till date.
Professional Membership :
- Life Member of Indian Society of Technical Education with the membership ID of LM 96909
- Life Member of The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers with the membership ID of M237462nt
My Visions :
To strive for academic excellence and impart quality of education with emphasis on Electronics & Communication Engineering to meet ever-changing needs of society and move into other related fields in teaching, research and service.
Contact Details :
Residential Address:
#260/A, Ist stage, II Cross, Brindavan Extension,Mysuru-20
Official Address:
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology For Women
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone : 0821-4257304/05/06 (Extn 303)