Accredited Branches
by NBA, New Delhi
(Validity up to June 2026)
(Validity up to June 2027)


Accredited with A Grade

CET Code: E133
COMEDK Code: E055
Faculty Name : Keerthi Kumar M
Department : Electronics and Communication Engineering


Keerthi Kumar M
Associate Professor,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,

Education Details :
  • Master of Technology, Digital Electronics & Communication System, Adichunchanagiri Institute of Technology, Chikmagalur, 2012
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Ghousia College of Engineering, Ramanagaram, 2010
Personal Details :
  • Date of birth : 10/06/1988
  • Hobbies : Reading news papers, solving puzzles, watching movies, playing cricket,chess.
  • Languages Known :Kannada and English
Profession Experience :
  • A total of 7.6 years of Experience as assistant professor in GSSSIETW, Mysore.
Faculty Development Activities :

Workshop Attended :

  • Participated in the Six Day Online National level Faculty Development Program on “Cryogenics & Superconductivity – A Research Perspective” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering from 21/09/2020 to 26/09/2020.
  • Participated in Five day online “International Workshop on Deep Learning-IWDL-2020” organized by BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus from 22nd to 26th August 2020.
  • Participated in the webinar on "Insights into NanoTechnology" held on 06/08/2020 organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
  • Participated in three day FDP on “Machine Learning with Python” orhanized by Department of Information Science and Engineering, GSSSIETW, Mysuru from 25th to 27th July 2019.
  • Participated in Five-day online Faculty Development Programme on “Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Robotics” held from 6th to 10th July 2020 organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, VVCE Mysuru.
  • Participated in webinar on “Doing Research: Challenges, Dos and Don’ts” under IQAC Cell on 16th June 2020, organized by ECE Research Centre under VTU, Belagavi.
  • Participated in International SAGE TALK on Research Papers and Proposal Writings for Academic Career (11th June 2020) by Prof ChunChe Lance Fung, Professor Emeritus at Murdoch University Perth, organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sagar Institute of Research & Technology, Bhopal.
  • Participated in three day webinar series on “Drone Technology” organized by the Department of ECE, GSSSIETW Mysuru under IQAC from 15th to 17th June 2020.
  • Attended six day webinar on “Faculty Development Programme on Electronics and Data Science” organized by Dept. of ECE in association with IQAC, BITM, Bellari from 1st to 6th June 2020.
  • Participated in the 2nd International Seminar on Research and Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ISRIET) organized by GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women Mysuru on 16th December 2019.
  • Participated in three day FDP on “Machine Learning with Python” Organized by department of Information Science and Engineering, GSSSIETW, Mysuru from 25th to 27th July 2019.
  • Participated in one day workshop on “Mind Dynamics and Emotional Stabilization” organized by the Department of MBA, GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 27th March 2019.
  • Participated in IEEE YESIST12 Project InnovationaChallange at VidyaVikas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mysuru on May 11th 2019.
  • Participated in one day FDP on “Effective eResources Retrieval Strategies for Efficient Research” being conducted under ECE VTU research Centre of GSSSIETW on 9th January 2019.
  • Participated in International Seminar on Research and Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ISRIET-2018) organized by GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 17th December 2018.
  • Participated in Five days FDP on “IOT and Embedded System Design” organized by E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati in association with GSSSIETW, Mysuru from 24th to 28th September
  • Participated in one day workshop on “ARM Cortex M3” organized by department of ECE and TCE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru in association with Electro Systems Association Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru from 26th-28th December 2017.
  • Attended Five days Workshop on “Brain Computer Interface, Theory and Applications” from 26th Feb 2018 to 2nd March 2018 at IIT Guwahati.
  • Attended One day FDP on “Research Methodology & Teaching Information Security: An Overview” on 9th June 2017 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
  • Attended Five days FDP on “Hands on Course on FPGA and ASIC Design” from 28th December 2015 to 1st January 2016 at SJCE , Mysore.
  • Attended Two days FDP on Faculty Effectiveness Enhancement Training-FEET on 25th and 26th November 2016 at Ecumenical Christian Center, Bangalore.
  • Presented paper titled “An FPGA design of high effective AES core hardware architecture for portable hard disc system” in National Conference on “Advances in Computer Applications-NCACA 2012” organized by the Department of MCA during 10th and 11th May 2012.
  • Attended Five days FDP on “Hands on Course on FPGA and ASIC Design” from 28th December 2015 to 1 January 2016 at SJCE , Mysore.
  • Attended one day FDP on “R & D Funding opportunity and Introduction to Intellectual Property Right” held at GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore, on 21st July 2016.
  • Participated in two days Workshop on “NBA Accreditation” from 21st to 23rd July 2015 conducted in GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore.
  • Attended one day workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights” on 27th January 2014 at VTU Regional Center, Mysore.
  • Attended One day Workshop on “Network Simulator-2” on 26th April 2014 held at GSSSIETW, Mysore.
  • Attended one day FDP on “LabVIEW” on 8th January 2015 held at ATME College of Engineering, Mysore.
Publication :
  • Keerthi Kumar M, Dr. Parameshachari B D, Prabu S, Silvia liberata Ullo, published a paper titled “Comparative Analysis to Identify Efficient Technique for Interfacing BCI System” in the Scopus indexed journal- IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 925 (2020) 012062 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/925/1/012062.
  • Presented a paper titled “Comparative Analysis to Identify Efficient Technique for Interfacing BCI System” in 1st International Conference on Computational Engineering and Material Science ICCEMS-2020 held on 17th and 18th July 2020 at GMIT Davanagere.
  • Keerthi Kumar M, Indushree M K, T S Sneha, Bhoomika N R, Yashaswini R, published a paper titled “V2V Communication using Edge Computing for Safe Commute” in the International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)-Volume-8, Issue-11 and ISSN: 2278-0181.
  • Keerthi Kumar M, Dr. Parameshachari B D, presented a paper titled “A Survey and study of brain computer interfacing system” in the third IEEE international Conference on Electrical Electronics Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques(ICEECCOT-18) organized by GSSSIETW, Mysuru held on 14th and 15th December 2018.
  • Keerthi Kumar M, Harshitha N, Nehashree K Ruthika, Rhea Benny, Varsha S P,  “IoT based Smart Garbage and Waste Monitoring System using MQTT Protocol” in “International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology” (IJERT)-May 2018 ISSN: 2278-0181.
  • Keerthi Kumar M, Avi Kumar R, Rajesh K M, “Photoplethysmography Technique to Measure Heart Rate Count” in “International Journal For Science And Advance Research In Technology”(IJSART) - Volume 3 Issue 3 –March 2017 ISSN: 2395-1052.
  • Keerthi Kumar K M, Avi Kumar R, “Enhanced LSB Algorithm For Stegano Communication” in Journal of Web Development and Web Designing-MAT Journals”- Volume 1 Issue 3.
  • Keerthi Kumar M, Lahari P M, Raksha G, Rashmitha R, Swathi K P, “Pedestrian Navigation in the building using inertial sensors” in “International Journal of Applied Research” (IJAR), volume-5, Issue-7, July 2015,ISSN - 2249-555X.
  • Keerthi Kumar M,Shilpa S, Manasa. H.M, Sadaf shahana Mariam, “Wireless Battery Charger” in International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V35(3),125-128 May 2016. ISSN:2231-5381.
  • Dr. Parameshachari B D,Keerthikumar M, Rubeena Muheeb,Nagashree R N,Deekshith B N, “Design of an Gesture Recognition Based Car Gaming” in 1st International Conference on Innovations in Computing & Networking (ICICN16).
Conference Attended :
  • Attended National Conference on “Advances in Computer Applications-NCACA 2012” organized by the Department of MCA during 10th and 11th May 2012
Academic Activities  :
  • Working asTime table officer from August 2019.
  • Course material Verification Coordinatorfrom the year 2017 to till date.
  • Worked as Department level forum coordinator from August-2017 to August-2019.
  • Worked as Project coordinator for the year 2016-17.
  • Worked as publicity (Press and media) coordinator during the year 2016-2018
  • Worked as College level Sports coordinator during the year 2015-2018.
  • Worked as IA and Exam coordinator during the year 2013-15.
Administrative Activities :
  • Coordinated a webinar on “IEEE Projects on Emerging Technologies” organized by GSSSIETW IEEE Student Branch in association with IEEE Bangalore Section and CAS Bangalore chapter on 29th June 2020.
  • Worked as coordinator for the 2nd International Seminar on Research and Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ISRIET) organized by GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women Mysuru on 16th December 2019.
  • Worked as coordinator for the 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies & Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2019) held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 13th & 14th December 2019.
  • Worked as coordinator for 3rd National Conference on Robotics, Automation, Control and Embedded Systems (NCRACES-2019) jointly organized by department of EIE and TCE conducted in association with IJERT on 10th May 2019.
  • Worked as chief coordinator for 4th National Level Project Competition “IEEE Project Expo-2019” Organized by IEEE Student chapter & IEEE WIE Affinity Group, GSSSIETW, Mysuru On 29th April 2019.
  • Prepared proceedings and certificates for 4th National Level Project Competition “IEEE Project Expo-2019” Organized by IEEE Student chapter & IEEE WIE Affinity Group, GSSSIETW, Mysuru On 29th April 2019.
  • Worked as coordinator for“International Women’s Day 2019” Organized by IEEE Student Branch(STB17861)& IEEE WIE Affinity Group, GSSSIETW, Mysuru On 28th April 2019
  • Worked as coordinator for Two days Skill Development Program on “Coding in the right way” organized by the department of TCE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 22nd and 23rd March 2019.
  • Worked as coordinatorfor the Third IEEE International conference “ICEECCOT-2018” held at GSSSIETW, Mysore on 14th - 15th December 2018.
  • Prepared proceedings and certificates for the Third IEEE International conference “ICEECCOT-2018” held at GSSSIETW, Mysore on 14th - 15th December 2018.
  • Worked as coordinator for Second State Level Telecommunication Model Exhibition and Competition -TELEUTSAV-2018 held on 21st April 2018.
  • Worked as Conference Committee member for Third National Conference on “Electronics, Signals & Communication (NCESC-18)” held on 17th May 2018 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
  • Prepared proceedings and certificates for Third National Conference on “Electronics, Signals & Communication (NCESC-18)” held on 17th May 2018 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
  • Prepared proceedings and certificates for the IEEE International conference “ICEECCOT-2017” held at GSSSIETW, Mysore on 15th - 16th December 2017.
  • Worked as coordinator for the IEEE International conference “ICEECCOT-2017” held at GSSSIETW, Mysore on 15th - 16th December 2017.
  • Worked as coordinator for  National conference “NCESC-2017” held at GSSSIETW, Mysore on 29th May 2017.
  • Prepared proceedings and certificates for National conference “NCESC-2017” held at GSSSIETW, Mysore on 29th May 2017.
  • Prepared proceedings and certificates for TELEUTSAV –2017, State Level Telecommunication Project Model Competition held at GSSSIETW, Mysore on 17th April 2017.
  • Worked as coordinatorfor TELEUTSAV –2017, State Level Telecommunication Project Model Competition held at GSSSIETW, Mysore on 17th April 2017.
  • Worked as Publicity Coordinator in IEEE International conference “ICCECCOT-2016” held at GSSSIETW, Mysore on 9th -10th December 2016.
Awards Received : 

100% Results Award for the subjects handled

  • Analog communication.
  • Basic Electronics
  • Digital Switching Systems.
  • Information Theory & Coding.
  • Operating Systems.
  • Mobile Communication.
  • Optical Fiber Communication.
  • Speech Processing.
  • DSP Algorithms & Architecture.
  • Multimedia communication.
  • Received certificate of appreciation from i4C for presenting an Idea on “Go Green Power” under “SMART INDIA HACKATHON-2017”.
  • Received Best paper award for the paper titled “Comparative Analysis to Identify Efficient Technique for Interfacing BCI System” in the 1st International Conference on Computational Engineering and Material Science ICCEMS-2020 organized by GMIT, Davanagere in association with Technical Institute for Engineers (T.I.E), Bengaluru on 17th and 18th July 2020.
Professional Membership :
  • Student Member of IEEE- (Membership No – 95733226)
  • Associate Member of IETE. (Membership No AM237523.)
  • Life Member of The Indian Society For Technical Education (ISTE) with the
    membership ID – LM 113692

Contact Details :

Department of Electronics and Communication  Engineering
GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology For Women
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone : 0821-4257304/05/06 (Extn 303)

My Visions :

Is to use my knowledge and skills acquired to ensure good growth prospect for department and the institute.

© 2014 | GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women