Faculty Name : Smitha S Kamble
Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Smitha S Kamble
B.E., M.Tech., [Ph.D].,
MISTE, IEEE, Assitant Professor.
Vidwan ID:529538
Educational Details :
- Pursuing Ph.D in Image Processing Applications to HV Components, VTU University, Belagavi.
- M.Tech in Digital Electronics, Gogte Institute of Technology and Science,VTU, Belagavi, 2011
- B.E in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, JNNCE, Shimoga, VTU, 2006.
Personal Details :
- Date of Birth: 12.10.1981
- Hobbies: Creative work, Reading, Listening Music
- Languages Known: English, Kannada, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu
Research Details :
Application of Digital Techniques on Line Components.
Professional Experience :
- Working as Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical& Electronics Engineering, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, Karnataka, 01st Dec 2021 onwards.
- Worked as Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, KLE Dr.MSSCET, Belagavi, Karnataka, 26th March 2007 to 30th September 2021.
Publications :
- “Password based Circuit Breaker System” in International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation (IJRTI) ISSN:2456-3315,Volume 8,Issue 7,July 2023
- “A Literature Survey on Leakage Current Detection in Power Transmission Line Insulators Using IoT” in International Journal of Research in Engineering & Science (IJRES),Volume 11, Issue 5, pp: 505-507 ISSN: 2320-9364
- "Experimental Investigation on NOx & CO Pollutant removal from stationary diesel engine exhaust by Dielectric Barrier Electrical discharge plasma hybrid processes" has been presented at the Third International Conference on Sustainable Energy,Environment and Green Technologies (ICSEEGT 2023) organized at Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, during June 27-28 2023.
- ”An Laboratory Investigation on Abatement of Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), Carbon Monoxide (CO), and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Using Pulse Powered Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Hybrid Technique”Advances in Computational Intelligence, Paradigms and Applications SN Computer Science (2023) Springer https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-023-01787-0
- “A Review on Degradation Analysis of the Polymeric Insulating Materials " JHUST, Volume 50, Issue 06 , ISSN-1671-4512, June 2021
Faculty Development Activities :
- Underwent a training on “Industrial Automation using PLC Programming” for a duration of 10 months through IIIC of KLE Dr MSSCET Belagavi.
- Completed NPTEL Course on Internet of Things with silver during Jan-March-2023
Lecture Delivered:
- Resource Person for SCILAB as per 2021 Scheme Organised by Dept of EEE,GSSSIETW Mysore from 05-09-2022 to 07-09-2022
- Delivered lecture on “Presentation Skills” In Induction Program For 1st yr Student for 3 years at KLE Dr MSSCET Belagavi.
- Delivered lecture on “Conservation of Water Energy Resources” For PWD Engineers.
- Handled a “Certification Course in Electrical Engineering” for BSc students at RLS College ,Belagavi for 3 years
- Handled sessions on Mission 10x UTLP-Kit training program for the Students.
Workshops/FDPS/ Seminars Organized :
- Coordinated one day on webinar on “Impact of Electric Vehicle on Smart Grid Applications “ On 27th July 2021 at KLE Dr MSSCET Belagavi
- Coordinated one day on webinar on “ Electrical Engineering Scenario during and post COVID-19” On 20th July at KLE Dr MSSCET Belagavi
- ISO-Internal Auditor of the College for 10 consecutive years at KLE Dr MSSCET Belagavi.
- Coordinator for the 2nd National Conference in Power Electronics 2016 at KLE Dr MSSCET Belagavi
- Coordinated the 2 week Workshop on Control Systems as Teaching Assistant KLE Dr MSSCET Belagavi
- Co-ordinated the 15 days workshop on Hands on session on Lab View for the 5th Sem Students at KLE Dr MSSCET Belagavi for the academic year 2016-17, 2017-18
- Coordinated one week on workshop with Hands on sessions on PLC and SCADA in 2015-16 at KLE Dr MSSCET Belagavi
- Coordinated one day seminar on PLC and Its Applications in 2016-17
- Coordinated one day seminar on PLC and SCADA in 2017-18
- Coordinated one day seminar on Hands on Sessions on PLC Programming.
Workshops/ Seminars/ FDP Attended :
- Participated a :Training program on e-Resources of VTU eConsortium on 27th November 2023
- Attended a one day FDP on "IOT for Precision systems towards Artificial Intelligence system," organised by Department of EEE, SRM Madurai College for Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 23-06-2023
- Attended Online FDP on "Introduction to Solar Panel Installation and Maintenance,organised by Department of EEE, SRM Madurai College for Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 31-05-2023
- Attended one day FDP on "Emerging Trends in LORAWAN and its applications",organised by Department of EEE, SRM Madurai College for Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 29-05-2023
- Attended one Day FDP on"Smart Grid Infrasture technology and solutions ", organised by Department of EEE, SRM Madurai College for Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 04-05-2023
- Atendedone day fdp on “Women Entrepreneurship Development program”,organised by EDC in collabration with Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, Under Scheme STI, GSSSIETW, Mysuru from03-05-2023 to 30-05-2023
- "Attended a one day FDP on "Outcome Based Education-Blended Learning ",organised by Department of EEE, SRM Madurai College for Engineering and Technology, Madurai
- Attended one day National Level Webinar on "Universal Human Values” organised by Department of EEE, SRM TRP Engineering College, Trichy on 05-04-2023
- Attended Six Days online FDP on “Recent Trends and Innovations in High Voltage Engineering”,organised by Department of EEE, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, from 27-03-2023 to 01-04-2023
- Attended One week FDP on"Recent Trends in Power Electronics and Power Systems",organised by Department of EEE, NIE, Mysuru. From 20-03-2023 to 25-03-2023
- Attended one day "Awareness Program on ISTE ",organised by Department of EEE, SRM Madurai College for Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 13-03-2023
- Attended One Week LTTP on “Recent Trends and Challenges on Integration of Power Converters with Electric Vehicle”,organised by Department of EEE, CMRIT, Bengaluru from 20-02-2023 to 26-02-2023
- Attended a" One Day FDP on “Blooms Taxonomy in Teaching and Learning”,organised by San Snow’s Nobel Professional Foundation on 16-02-2023
- Attended 4 days“Emerging Trends in AI and Data Science Applications”,Poornima College of Engineering, Kota from12-12-2023 to 16-12-2023
- SCILAB as per 2021 Scheme (Resource Person),organised by Dept of EEE,GSSSIETW Mysore from 05-09-2022 to 07-09-2022
- Attended five days FDP on "UHV-II " Organized by AICTE, RV College of Engineering, Bengalore,from 05-09-2022 to 07-09-2022
- “Recent Developments in Smart Grid and Applications”,organised by Dept of EEE,GSSSIETW Mysore from 05-09-2022 to 07-09-2022
- Attended a one day "Awareness Training Program on Intellectual property rights ", organised by National IP Awareness Mission on 11-08-2022
- Attended "5-day Face-to-Face UHV-II FDP" organised by (AICTE), RV College of Engineering Bangalore from 05-09-2022 to 09-09-2022
- Attended "IP Awareness/Training program under NIPAM", organised by Government of INDIA 0n 11-08-2022
- Attended “MATLAB for Engineering Applications" organised by Dept. of ECE GSSSIETW Mysuru from 28-06-2022 to 29-06-2022
- Attended "Innovative Technologies to improve quality of Teaching Learning", organised by G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology,Nagpur from04-04-2022 to 06-04-2022
- Attended,"Advanced Applications of Robotics and IOT", organised by Atria Institute of Technology, Bengalurufrom 29-03-20222 to 04-04-2022
- Attended online work shop on "Research Essentials", organised by Chandigarh University from 31-01-2022 to 05-02-2022
- Attended,"Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education", All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE) from 27-12-2021 to 31-12-2021
- Attended "Recent trends in Renewable Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development", CMR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Bengaluru, Karnataka from 13-12-2021 to 17-12-2021
- Attended several one day online seminars for knowledge up-gradation
- Attended 3 days FDP on “Real Challenges & Development With Integrated Energy Sources For Electric Vehicles In Modern Days" Organized by the SIR MVIT, Bengaluru-from 1st -3rd July 2020
- Attended online “IEEE webinar Series” organized by Bangalore IEEE Section 12th -15th May 2020
- Have undergone COURSE ERA courses on
- Autodesk Certified Professional: AutoCAD for Design and Drafting Exam Prep
- Computer Vision Basics
- Data Processing and Feature Engineering with MATLAB
- Introduction to Data Analysis Using Excel
- Introduction to Programming with MATLAB
- Introduction to solar cells
- Material Behavior
- Python Basics
- Attended 4 days FDP on “Technology and Enterpreneurial Awareness on Industrial Microwave Heating " Organized by the Dept. of ECE of KLE DR. M. S. Sheshgiri CET, Belagavi from 15th -18th July 2019
- Attended a STTP on " Electric Vehicle” conducted on 1st to 06th Jan,2019 Organized by the Dept. of EEE of KLE DR. M.S. Sheshgiri CET, Belagavi
- Participated in " EECS Colloquium on Power Engineering " on 31st Aug2018 at IISC Bangalore.
- Participated in a short-term course on "Solar Energy Systems” conducted by ICER during 19th to 23rd Mar - 2018 at IISC Bangalore.
- Attended a STTP on " Wide Area Monitoring and Control of Power System using Synchrophasor Technology” conducted on 16th to 21st Jan,2018 Organized by the Dept.of EEE of KLE DR.M.S.Sheshgiri CET, Belagavi
- Participated in " EECS Colloquium on Power Engineering " on 31st Aug2018 at IISC Bangalore.
- Participated in a short-term course on "Solar Energy Systems” conducted by ICER during 19th to 23rd Mar - 2018 at IISC Bangalore.
- Attended a STTP on " Wide Area Monitoring and Control of Power System using Synchrophasor Technology” conducted on 16th to 21st Jan,2018 Organized by the Dept.of EEE of KLE DR.M.S.Sheshgiri CET, Belagavi
- Attended in a short-term course on "Digital signal Processing and Applications " conducted during 4th to 8th Sept - 2017 at IISC Bangalore.
- Attended in a short-term course on "Conditioning ,Monitoring,Diagnostics and Testing of High voltage Apparatus" conducted during 03-07th July 2017 at IISC, Bangalore.
- Attended the one week Inter disciplinary short term course title"ICT solutions for Issues and Challenges in smart Grid Technology " organized by Dept of EEE and IT Technology, Pondichery Engg. College , from 28th Nov to 2nd DEC ,2016.
- Attended two days FDP on MENTORSHIP held at KLE Dr MSSCET Belagavi from 28th and 29th July 2016.
- Participated in 2 day TRAINING COURSE ON QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STANDARD ISO 9001:2015 INTERNAL AUDITOR conducted at KLE DR MSS CET Belagavi on 16th and 17th June 2016.
- Participated in International Conferrance on Smart Electronics Systems at KLE DrMSSCET , Belagavi, from May 20 to 22nd 2016.
- Attended 6 days FDP on " Advanced Microcontrollers for Embedded Systems" Organized by the Dept.of ECE of KLE DR.M.S.Sheshgiri CET, Belagavi from 19th -24th January 2016
- Participated in a two day FDP on "Research -Integral Part of Engineering Education conducted on 18 and 19th March,2016
- Participated in FDP on "Applications of Programmable Logic Controllers in Industrial Automation"organized by Dept of I &P Engg and Dept. of Mech Engg of BVB CET, Hubballi on 10th,11th and 12th September 2015.
- Attended a one week "Training of Trainers " Program from 26thJuly to 1st August 2015.
- Participated in FDP on "Programming in C" from 15th June to 27th June 2015, held at KLE Dr M S S CET, Belagavi.
- Attended one day Workshop on PROFESSIONALISM on 16th Jan -2015 ,at KLE Dr. MSSCET, Belagavi
- Participated in a Two -Week ISTE STTP on Pedagogy for Effective use of ICT in Engineering Education Conducted by IITBombay from 5th to 31st January 2015.
- Participated in a Two – Week ISTE Workshop on Control System conducted by IIT, Kharagpur from 2nd to 12th Dec-2014
- Participated in TEQIP -II Sponsored short Term Course on “ Emerging R&D in Wind Energy Conversion –Present and Future Challenges” Organized by The Dept Of EEE BEC,BGKfrom 21st to 26th July-2014.
- Participated in TEQIP Phase II Sponsored National Workshop on “ Emerging Technologies in Photo Voltaic Systems ,Principle Design & Application Organized by The Dept Of EEE PES , University, Bangalore on 14 – 15 Mar-14.
- A 15 DAYS FDP on Smart Grid Engineering at NIT, Calicut, Kerala from May 21st to June 4th 2011.
- A Faculty Development Workshop on Embedded Systems Design – Principle & Practice organized by : BITES & BVBCET on 15th November- 2010 at BVB, Hubli.
- A 3 days Faculty Development Programme on Scilab & Applications from 21st to 23rd Dec- 2009.
- A 3 days Workshop on Soft Skills Organized by ISTE Local Chapter K.LE S CET Belgaum ( 2nd ,3rd & 4th November 2007) .
Academic/Administrative Activities :
- Present Exam Co-ordinator at GSSSIETW,Mysuru
- Paper setting for UG & PG courses
- College Cultural Secretary for the year 2011-2012 at KLESCET Belagavi
- ISO Internal Auditor of the college and ISO Co-Ordinator of the department at KLESCET Belagavi.
- Active member of Kannada Balaga, hosting the Kannada Balaga functions.
- Seminar Co-Ordinator for the year 2007-2008, 2011-2012,2016-17
- College Cultural Secretary for the year 2011-2012
- Project Co-Ordinator for the year 2012-2013. 2015-16
- Handled different files during NBA and NAAC Accreditation
- Worked as an Department Time table and IA Co-ordinator from 2007 till Sep 2021
Professional Membership :
- Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (MISTE)
- Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (MIEEE)
Contact Details:
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 9449307538
My vision :
To strive for academic excellence and produce an ethical electrical and electronics engineer.