Faculty Name : Apoorvashree H L
Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Apoorvashree H L
B.E, M.Tech
Vidwan ID:529763
Educational Details :
- M.Tech in Power System Engineering, Ghousia college of Engineering, Ramanagaram, VTU, 2018
- B.E in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore, VTU, 2016.
Personal Details :
- Date of Birth: 19.06.1994
- Hobbies: Reading books, Listening to Music
- Languages Known: Kannada, English
Professional Experience :
- Working as Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, Karnataka, 10 November 2021 to till date.
- Worked as Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mysore, Karnataka, 01 February 2019 to 24 May 2020.
NPTEL certifications:
- Introduction to Internet of things
Publications :
International Journals:
- Apoorvashree H L “ACCIDENT PREVENTION IN AC BUS USING TEMPERATURE AND ULTRASONIC SENSOR”, International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation - IJRTI, ISSN: 2456-3315, Volume 8 | Issue 6 | June-2023.
- Apoorvashree H L “AUTOMATIC GARAGE GATE ACCESS BASED ON RFID USING ARDUINO”, International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation - IJRTI, ISSN: 2456-3315, Volume 8 | Issue 6 | June-2023.
- Apoorvashree H L “A REVIEW OF VSC BASED STATCOM WITH DIFFERENT POWER CIRCUITS AND VARIOUS CONTROL CIRCUITS”, Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, ISSN :0025-0422 January 2023.
- Apoorvashree H L “WOMEN SELF DEFENCE BY ELECTRIC SHOCK SYSTEM” International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR), February 2023 IJSDR | Volume 8 Issue 2, ISSN: 2455-2631
- Apoorvashree H L “EMBEDDED CONTROL FOR POLLUTION FREE ZONE”, International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR), ISSN: 2455-2631, Volume 7 Issue 10. October 2022.
- Apoorvashree H L “IOT Based Grass Cutter Using Solar Energy”, IJIRT Volume 7, issue 1, June 2020.
National Journals:
- Apoorvashree H L, “Wireless Charging Circuit for Robot”, Compliance Engineering Journal, Volume 10, Issue 12 Decemeber 2019.
- Apoorvashree H L, “Efficient Energy Management System for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using Supercapacitor Sizing Method”, JETIR Volume 6, Issue 6, July 2019.
- Apoorvashree H L, “Implementation of Mobile charging Circuit Using Integrated Solar and Wind Energy”, JETIR Volume 6, Issue 6, July 2019.
International Conferences:
- Participated in International Symposium on “Smart Grid Technology” on 2017
National Conferences:
- Attended National Conference on Advanced Techniques in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SJBIT, Bangalore on 9th May 2018.
Faculty Development Activities:
Conference Organized:
- Worked as part of organizing team in the 4th IEEE IEEE INDISCON-2023 on 5th to 7th August 2023 organized by IEEE Mysore Subsection hosted by GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore.
- Worked as Volunteer in the 4th IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques – (ICEECCOT), organized by GSSSIETW, Mysuru in association with IEEE Bangalore Section on 13th & 14th December 2019.
Workshops/ Seminars/ FDP Attended :
- Participated in the three weeks “Women Entrepreneurship Development Program” sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, from 3rd May 2023 to 30th May 2023 organized by GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru.
- Participated in the One-week Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends in Power Electronics and Power System” held from March 20-25, 2023 organised by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, The National Institute of Engineering Mysuru.
- Attended online LTTP on “Recent trends and challenges on integration of power converters with electric vehicles” from 20.02.2023 to 25.02.2023 Organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- Attended webinar on “Simulation for Pneumatics and Electro-Pneumatics + PLC” organised by Famic Technologies on 21st February 2023.
- Attended webinar on “Simulation for Pneumatics and Electro-Pneumatics + PLC” organised by Famic Technologies on 23rd February 2023.
- Attended webinar on “Simulation for Pneumatics and Electro-Pneumatics + PLC” organised by Famic Technologies on 16th February 2023.
- Participated in webinar on ” Lean management Basics” organized by Toyota kirloskar motor private limited on Jan 31st 2023.
- Participated in online MCQ Quiz event under “National Energy conservation week” organized by energy club in association with Institution innovation council from 14th to 20th December 2022.
- Attended FDP on “Entrepreneurship and start up for beginners” 02-12-2022 to 02-12-2022 Organised by Bharat-Ratna Indira Gandhi College of Engineering, Kegaon, Solapur.
- Participated in seminar on Hybrid electric vehicle technology basics on 08 december 2022
- Attended FDP on “Electric Vehicle technology -A future transportation tool” 28-11-2022 to 02-12-2022 organised by Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore
- Has actively participated in the Five Day Faculty Development Program [online] on “SCILAB as per 2021 Scheme” in association with ISLE, from 17th - 21st October 2022, Organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Participated in the National level One Day Workshop (Online) on “Entrepreneurship and Start Up for Beginners” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering & Electrical Engineering on 15th September 2022.
- Attended Workshop on “Recent Developments in Smart Grid and Applications” on 05-09-2022 to 07-09-2022 Organised by GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru.
- Participated and completed faculty development program on “Biofuel Prospects & Challenges” from 24/03/2022 to 25/03/2022 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic Solapur.
- Certificate of participation for attending workshop on “Wind turbine Designing” on 21st march 2022
- Successfully participated in IP Awareness/Training program under National intellectual Property Awareness Mission on 14th march 2022.
- Attended One-week National Level Faculty Development Program on “Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development” from 1st to 5th March-2022.
- Participated and successfully completed the “part 1 of the online UHV Refresher1 FDP” organized by “All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE”) from 21st February to 25th 2022.
- Attended 5 days’ workshop on “Simulation and Analysis of Power System Case Studies using Mi Power” organized by Presidency University, Bangalore in association with Power Research and Development Consultant (PRDC) Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru from 14/02/2022 to 18/02/2022.
- Attended 5 days’ workshop on “Carbon Balance and Environmental Sustainability” organized by BMSIT, Bangalore under ATAL from 07/02/2022 to 11/02/2022.
- Participated and successfully completed the 5-day online FDP on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE) from December 20th to 24th 2021.
- Attended a Webinar on “Control Algorithms on Hybrid Micro grids” on 20th January 2022 organized by Centre of Excellence-Intelligent Energy Systems, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
- Attended three days Faculty development program on “Modern Trends in Optimization Techniques – A Power Quality and Reliability Approach” held from July 17th to 19th 2020, Organized by Dept. of EEE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Participated in webinar on “Remote Sensing and its Applications” held on 18th July 2020, Organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, SVCE, Bangalore.
- Participated in webinar on “OS & Automotive Systems” held on 18th July 2020, Organized by Dept. of ECE, Vemana Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- Participated in five days Faculty development program on “Sensors & Their Applications” held from 13th to 17th July 2020, Organized by Dept. of ECE, Vemana Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- Participated in webinar on “Embedded System and IoT” on 13th July 2020 organized under Citronics Club by Dept. of ECE, City Engineering College, Bangalore.
- Participated in webinar on “Role of Curriculum Design and Development in Quality Education” on 12th July 2020 organized by All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s College of Engineering, Pune.
- Participated in one week Faculty development programme on “Higher Education 2020: requirements and Expectations” held from July 8th to 12th 2020, Organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), TPCT’s College of Engineering, Osmanabad.
- Attended one week Faculty development programme on “Exposure & Rejuvenation of Technologies in changed Era of the world ” held from July 6th to 10th 2020, Organized by Dept. of ECE, Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, U.P.
- Attended Faculty development programme on “Power Electronic Applications to Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Storage Systems” held from July 6th to 10th 2020, Organized by Dept. of EEE, NIE, Mysuru.
- Participated in one day National level webinar on “Control Aspect of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems” on 7th July 2020 organized by Dept. of EEE, Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
- Participated in webinar on “Industry 4.0” held on 4th July 2020, Organized by School of Electrical Engineering KIIT, Bhubaneswar & Schneider Electric India.
- Participated in webinar on “Integrated Building Management System” on 4th July 2020, Organized by School of Electrical Engineering KIIT, Bhubaneswar & Schneider Electric India.
- Participated in webinar on “Power Monitoring expert” on 3rd July 2020, Organized by School of Electrical Engineering KIIT, Bhubaneswar & Schneider Electric India.
- Participated in webinar on “Home Automation System” held on 1st and 2nd July 2020, Organized by School of Electrical Engineering KIIT, Bhubaneswar & Schneider Electric India.
- Attended five days online National level Faculty development program on “PCB Design” held from June 29th June to 3rd July 2020, Organized by Dept. of ECE, VVIET, Mysuru.
- Participated in three days National level online Faculty development program on “Signal Processing Applications in Biomedical Engineering” held on 23rd to 25th June 2020, organized by Dept. of EEE, Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- Participated in National level online Technical Quiz on “Advances in Power Systems” on 25th June 2020 organized by Dept. of EEE, JAIN, Bengaluru.
- Participated in one day National level webinar on “Future of Higher Education With Ongoing Covid - 19” on 25th June 2020 organized by Sri K. Puttaswamy First Grade College, Mysuru.
- Participated in three days webinar on “Drone Technology” held on 15th and 17th June 2020 organized by Dept. of ECE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Participated in webinar on “Wholistic Development” on 12th June 2020 organized by VaNIEta Abhyudhaya Ladies club, NIE, Mysuru.
- Participated in webinar on “Patent Your Invention to Generate Value for Research” on 8th June 2020 organized by Research and Development Cell, ACS College of Engineering, Bangalore.
- Participated in webinar on “Handshaking of IoT and Machine Learning” on 6th and 7th June 2020 organized by Dept. of EEE, Jai Shriram Engineering College, Chennai.
- Participated in online webinar on “Mind Your Mind – During and After Covid – 19” on 6th June 2020 organized by department of Physics, Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysuru.
- Attended five days Faculty development program on “Recent trends in Electrical Engineering” held from June 1st to 5th 2020, Organized by Dept. of EEE, BSA Crescent institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
- Participated in three days Faculty development program on “Embedding Research & Development in Academic Environment” held from 1st to 3rd Jun 2020, Organized by Dept. of EEE, Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
- Participated in “National level e-quiz on Electric Vehicle” on May 30th 2020, Organized by Dept. of EEE, B.L.D.E.A’s V.P Dr. P.G. Halakatti College of Engineering & Technology, Vijayapur.
- Attended Technical education quality Improvement Programme sponsored one week workshop on “Application of Power Electronics in Electric Vehicle Techonology” held from May 18th to 22nd 2020, Organized by Dept. of EEE, NIE, Mysuru.
- Participated in webinar on “Medical Drives” on 16th May 2020, organized by Dept. of EEE, Rajarajeswari College of Engineering, Bengaluru.
- Attended Faculty development programme on “Research Paper & Project Proposal Writing” held on May 15th and 16th 2020, Organized by Dept. of EEE, Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupati.
- Participated in “Webinar Series on Satellite and Automation” held from May 11th to 13th 2020, Organized by IEEE Student Branch in association with IEEE Bangalore Section and CAS Bangalore chapter, GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Attended Faculty development programme on “Contemporary Tools and Techniques for Teachers and Researchers in Higher Education: Experience of using Virtual Classrooms” held on 9th May 2020, Organized by Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
- Participated in National level FDP on “Decoding Examination During and Post Covid 19” on May 8th 2020, Organized by Skillslate and powered by Zovy Studios, Pune.
Academic Activities :
- Paper Setting for UG Courses
- Paper Evaluation Work
- Lab Examiner at various Colleges, Mysuru
Administrative Activities:
- Student Counselling Coordinator
- Parent Teachers meeting Coordinator
- Alumnae Coordinator
Awards Received:
- Received 100% result award for various subjects handled in engineering.
- Topper in Introduction to Internet of things, NPTEL Exam.
Contact Details:
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 0821-4257304/05/06 Extn:1309
My vision :
To produce electrical and electronics engineers with creativity and technical competency to meet the ever changing needs of industry and society