Faculty Name: Anitha Rao
Department : Information Science and Engineering
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Information Science and Engineering, GSSSIETW, Mysuru
Vidwan ID:529216
Educational Qualification :
- M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from Mangalore Institute of technology and management, Moodbidri, VTU, 2015
- B.E in Computer Science & Engineering from Karavali Institute of Technology, Mangaluru, VTU, 2012
Personal Details :
- Date of Birth: 27/08/1990
- Hobbies: Reading Books, Music, Cooking.
- Languages Known: English, Kannada, Hindi and Tulu.
Experience details :
- Working as Assistant Professor in ISE Department at GSSSIETW, Mysuru, From April 2022 to till date.
- Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering Department at Sapthagiri College of Engineering,Bengaluru From October 2020 to April 2022.
- Assistant Professor, Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, July 2019 to July 2020, ISEDepartment.
- Assistant Professor, Shridevi Institute of Technology, Mangaluru, August 2015 to May 2017, Department :MCA.
- SEO intern & Web Developer, Infosoftx Ltd, Mangaluru, July 2012 to May 2013, Department : WebDevelopment.
Academic Activities :
- Worked for NBA Criteria 1, 2, 3& NAAC Criteria 5.
- I-Soft coordinator, a technical association as a part of ISE department, VKIT.
- Worked as VTU Valuation Coordinator.
- Participated in International Conference held at Sapthagiri College of Engineering, Bangalore and presented a paper titled “ An efficient Secure Cloud Storage Sheme” held on 16th and 17th July 2021. ISBN: 979-85-27243-61-1.
- Paper titled “Literature Survey on Travelling Salesman Problem Using Genetic Algorithms” has been published in the “International Journal of Advanced Research in Education Technology (IJARET)”, Vol. 2, Issue 1 (Jan – Mar 2015).
- Paper titled “A Novel Method to Solve Travelling Salesman Problem Using Sequential Constructive Crossover Using Map/Reduce Framework” has been published in the “International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)”, Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015.
Faculty development activities attended:
- Participated in Faculty Development Program on Mobile Application Development (New lab introduced by VTU) organized by Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management, Bangalore.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Program on Virtual Labs for affiliated engineering colleges under VTU Belagavi.
- Attended FDP on IOT Applications organized by Sapthagiri College of Engineering, Bangalore.
- Participated in Train the Trainer program on Java Programming conducted by Infosys Limited.
- Participated in Faculty development program on Art of writing research article and IPR organized by Shri krishna Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- Attended workshops and FDPs on Universal Human Values organized by VTU.
- Participated in the IIC Online Sessions conducted by Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) of MHRD's Innovation Cell, New Delhi
- Αttended workshops, technical talks and seminars organized by the department and college(VKIT).
Professional membership:
- IAENG [273069]
Contact details:
#2/25, 2nd Block, Dandinpete Kushalnagar – 571234.
Email id: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Official], This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Personal]
Phone no.:9663937923
My Vision :
To produce qualified graduates with professional knowledge, innovative ideas and with social ethics by sharing my knowledge.